Need a little advice on my sales page. Please!

19 replies
I'm working on my first product and would really appreciate a little help with my sales page. I'll be the first to admit that I'm really not much of a copywriter. Please let me know If I need to start from scratch. I can take a little criticism.
Here is my site.

#advice #page #sales
  • Profile picture of the author Ronak Shah
    Heck, you made a terrific squeeze page. I think you could have another opt-in box below your PayPal screenshot as a split-test. See if you're able to increase your conversions.

    I haven't gone through the whole copy on the squeeze page but it looks great. I think you've done a nice job.

    Fantastic work, can be improved for sure. Keep it up.
    I AM YOUR Direct Response Ninja Kick-Ass Sales Copywriter.

    Now, Here's The REAL DEAL:
    Either I make YOU at least 10 times of what I charge YOU OR
    I'll Write YOUR Sales Copy AGAIN Till YOU Make MUCH MORE Than THAT. Guaranteed*.
    *Terms & Conditions Apply. Email me at ronak[at]ronakshah[dot]name right now.
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    • Profile picture of the author FreshMedia
      Originally Posted by ronakshah View Post

      Heck, you made a terrific squeeze page. I think you could have another opt-in box below your PayPal screenshot as a split-test. See if you're able to increase your conversions.

      I haven't gone through the whole copy on the squeeze page but it looks great. I think you've done a nice job.

      Fantastic work, can be improved for sure. Keep it up.
      Thanks. Good idea about another opt-in box. Maybe a free offer would go good there. Really appreciate your thoughts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Wood
    Great site. You may be able to improve on conversion rates by including the reason why you are selling your system. After all if it is simple and repeatable and brings in $100+ a day per site, why wouldn't you be spending all of your time throwing up sites?

    There's a few more tips in my free sales letter cheat sheet (sig)
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    • Hey there,
      Here's what you've done right:
      1. Put a curiosity component into your headline
      2. Delivered educational value
      3. Offered Proof

      Here's what I would change:
      1. Your header contains a headline that sits on top of another headline. You don't need both
      2. Get specific in your headline about what you are offering. You only have a few seconds to capture your audience's attention - don't be coy
      3. Keyword research is a means to an end. Talk about the GOAL. i.e. Keyword research helps you find secret honeypots of targeted free traffic that will gladly dump cash in your pockets
      4. The first Keyword research traffic is too vague and gets lost - you can get rid of it
      5. Summarize your benefits in a bullet-list and present it above the fold (above the point where a person would need to scroll)
      6. The Truth about Marking MOney Online: Get off your soapbox - people really don't care about another Guru diatribe. Take the space to increase the value of your offer. Use scarcity. Pinpoint and promise a solution to a nagging problem. Basically anything that will make your prospect say "Wow, this guy can solve my problem!"
      7. Get Your Book Cover Graphic up above the fold. In fact, I would put it directly below your new headline...
      8. Dude, just finish the darn book TODAY and pull out the lame "notify me when..." part.

      Good luck!
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      • Profile picture of the author FreshMedia
        Originally Posted by Moolah_Copywriting View Post

        Hey there,
        Here's what you've done right:
        1. Put a curiosity component into your headline
        2. Delivered educational value
        3. Offered Proof

        Here's what I would change:
        1. Your header contains a headline that sits on top of another headline. You don't need both
        2. Get specific in your headline about what you are offering. You only have a few seconds to capture your audience's attention - don't be coy
        3. Keyword research is a means to an end. Talk about the GOAL. i.e. Keyword research helps you find secret honeypots of targeted free traffic that will gladly dump cash in your pockets
        4. The first Keyword research traffic is too vague and gets lost - you can get rid of it
        5. Summarize your benefits in a bullet-list and present it above the fold (above the point where a person would need to scroll)
        6. The Truth about Marking MOney Online: Get off your soapbox - people really don't care about another Guru diatribe. Take the space to increase the value of your offer. Use scarcity. Pinpoint and promise a solution to a nagging problem. Basically anything that will make your prospect say "Wow, this guy can solve my problem!"
        7. Get Your Book Cover Graphic up above the fold. In fact, I would put it directly below your new headline...
        8. Dude, just finish the darn book TODAY and pull out the lame "notify me when..." part.

        Good luck!
        Awesome advice. You make so many valid points, and really got me thinking now. And I definitely need to finish the book ASAP. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author mbrig
    That's a nice start for you, well done. What an excellent response you got from moolah copywriting. That's the great thing about this forum, dozens of people helping you on your way.

    If I was you I'd let out a little Yeehah!

    Very best wishes

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    • Profile picture of the author beevok
      Great site!
      I do think not everyone will fully scroll down, but that's just me.
      (Note: I'm not in the copywriting business)
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  • Profile picture of the author deannatroupe
    I think you've done an excellent job. I'd keep the notification list up until the book is finished (you do want to be building a list). I'd replace that with an opt in to some sort of freebie related to what you're selling that will help the people still on the fence to buy. Most people won't buy the first time. You need some way to stay in touch with the people that visit your site.
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    • Profile picture of the author steve-wilkins
      Great effort for your first sales page Frank!

      I agree with Moolah though, you need to sort the headlines out, 2 big headlines on top of each other don't really fit or flow.

      Also break your text down into smaller chunks, for example; paragraph 2 under heading: The Truth About Making Money Online,

      Use bullet points, e.g;
      • Are you new to internet marketing?
      • Have you bought other products that promised you thousands of dollars a week?
      Then carry with text (this breaks down your copy and makes it easier on the visitors eyes and helps them flow thorugh it all the way to the bottom).

      Best of luck Frank, a few tweaks here and there and you'll be fine!
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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    Good job Frank. I don't mind the line in your banner but I would make it shorter. And put it in a smaller font. Maybe just "proven techniques to finding the most profitable keywords".

    Your headline could be shorter and punchier too. You have ""The #1 Reason Most People Fail To Make Any Real Money Online, Is Because They Don't Have A Clue About Keyword Research Or Have Been Doing It All Wrong"...

    I would suggest -

    The #1 Reason Most People Fail to Make Any Real Money Online

    - they're Clueless About Keyword Research
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Rogers
      Originally Posted by Metronicity View Post

      Good job Frank. I don't mind the line in your banner but I would make it shorter. And put it in a smaller font. Maybe just "proven techniques to finding the most profitable keywords".

      Your headline could be shorter and punchier too. You have ""The #1 Reason Most People Fail To Make Any Real Money Online, Is Because They Don't Have A Clue About Keyword Research Or Have Been Doing It All Wrong"...

      I would suggest -

      The #1 Reason Most People Fail to Make Any Real Money Online

      - they're Clueless About Keyword Research
      This is excellent writing advice from Malcolm.

      The bigger issue as I see it is... the page needs to know it's audience.

      The reason most marketers don't do enough keyword research is because: it sucks! It's a tedious process in this ADD insta-gratify society. Call that out. Tell them why your system will make the thing they know they NEED to do more doable.

      Also, I would re-position the "truth about making money online" section. It comes off like a lecture, but again, who are you preaching to here?

      I think you'll get much more mileage out of it by making logical points that feed the desire for a better tool. If you're not a name authority on this subject yet, consider adopting a more helpful tone -- rather than another guy yelling about how everyone is doing it wrong.

      You'll want to break up those scary blocks of text as well. No one will read 4-5 sentence paragraphs like that. Sad, but true.

      Bottom line: Identify your best prospect. It's either newish marketers who know they need to be doing more KW and aren't because...

      1. They don't know how
      2. They can't sit still that long
      3. They think they can get the best tools for free from Google, etc.

      )That's off the top of my head, if you've done your market research you can easily add 5 more "resistance mechanisms" to that list. Those are the things you need to address on this page.

      Tell them you identify their problem and you've created the solution. Then show them how well it works and how they can get their hands on it.)

      Or it's more experienced marketers who would love a keyword research tool that was faster, easier, better, smarter, cured bald spots, etc.

      You're not that far off. Just take a step back and positively identify your best prospects. Then you'll be able to create a page with a voice that speaks to them and gets them excited.


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  • Profile picture of the author Bitethehand
    Great looking site BUT:

    Am I the only person who would NEVER sign up to or join a site such as this??? Who are these sights actually targetted towards?
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  • Profile picture of the author Gale10

    I am not a copywriter, but I don't like long paragraphs. I wouldn't and in fact didn't read your copy when it is huge paragraphs. Nothing greater than five lines for me.

    I am not criticising, I am sure you have done loads better than I could of, but I wanted to give you my thoughts as a customer.

    The rest of it is great, as far as I am concerned.

    Best wishes, I hope your launch goes really well for you,


    Want well-written articles from a native English speaking writer? Want them written quickly with the minimum of fuss? Want one revision free?

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  • Profile picture of the author writeright

    Too many words in this section. It's a put off. Try some bullet points or spaced out sentences or something... Hope it helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author jukeboxhero
      1. Get rid of the giant header...It doesn't add a lick of value to the page...It's actually down right confusing.

      2. get an optin box ABOVE the fold.

      3. Think of your opener as your walking up to a stranger at a bar...You might ask some questions, find out if you've got any shared interests....

      What you're basically doing is walking up to a random young lady and saying "the #1 reason that you won't find a man tonight is that your shoes are too tall"...

      4. Some more proof would be decent...Your proof looks like you just happened to get lucky...It leaves me know that I'm supposed to buy from a dude who at ONE POINT for 2 days made money online. You might be better off not drawing attention to your proof element at all if that's all you've got to offer.

      5. You might think about reframing your proof elements to show an improvement in conversion or click through...

      "The first thing you need to remember is that the internet is all about search. At this very moment there are millions of searches being performed on Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines. By knowing exactly what people are searching for and the monetary value of those keywords, you can start making money in a matter of days or weeks. This of course is assuming you know how to really pick the right keywords, with low competition. And this is where most internet marketers fail. In fact, by not understanding proper keyword research, you may be doomed for failure before you even begin"

      If you were to read that out loud to yourself you'd sound like a rambling idiot...a decent shortened version is.

      Poor keyword selection = NO MONEY

      gotta roll, keep on keeping on dude...It's good to see
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      • Profile picture of the author mrfixituk
        Nice graphics, but the site never hooked me enough to opt in.
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  • Profile picture of the author stanwyck
    I like your site. The headline really speaks to the market. I got confused when you started talking about money though.
    What about, "I can't guarantee you'll make sales, your copy has to be sound for that to happen but I can guarantee you'll get 1000's of targeted prospects to your site a day with cash in hand."

    Then maybe, "Driving good traffic is tough for a lot of people, let me show you the system I use that makes it very very easy."

    Is there any way your opt in could be above the fold? At first glance it seems like a short sales letter. Also the copy had me in kind of a spell that was broken by that last sentence. Give my boss the finger.

    Do you have an offer for them after they sign up, they're very hot then best to take advantage of it.

    You don't give any hints as to the price point of Keyword formula. That kind of makes me think it'll be to 'rich for my blood.' It might lower opt in rates?

    Is there a quick 'something of value' thing you can throw together right now and give prospects for opting in then offer Keyword formula when its done. Building interest and excitement in an email series?
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    • Profile picture of the author homenotion
      For not being a copywriter I think you did pretty well. I think someone mentioned above that you could add another opt-in box, which is what I suggest as well.

      Also, you may want to break up your paragraphs that are below "The Truth About Making Money Online" and highlight some of the more dynamic words. I think it would be much easier to read that way.

      Other than that you did a great job!
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  • Profile picture of the author duncanb
    I really like it! Fairplay to You!
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