Take 2 : Please Critique My Landing Page

27 replies
Hello everyone ,

We got a lot of positive feedback to my last critique request. We have gone ahead and created a traditional Long Sales Letter Type of Landing Page.

Looking for some feedback + suggestions on the same

Here's the LINk >> http://bit.ly/xHFxc3 *** (updated) ***

Old link >> http://bit.ly/uyH2A5 (for comparison)

PS: I am aware of the following things

1. Testimonials are missing
2. Need to remove the primary links (home , conditions) and the ones in the footer *** DONE
3. The Squeeze page (after exit pop) doesn't have fields for email yet.

#critique #landing #page
  • Profile picture of the author adammaxum
    I think it looks good.

    - the video took a little longer then I'd prefer to load.
    - Some of the rotating images cut off the green check marks if you care
    - I'm still not sure exactly what you're offering unless I read the print next to the images, and even then I'm not really sure. A 30 day program...what type of program? what do i have to do? what are you offering me?
    - I like the yellow text "remove toxins..," but my eyes glazed over it multiple times without paying attention to what it said. So maybe consider focusing attention specifically on that text.
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    • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
      Oops looks like you saw the older version ... The "-" should be included at the end of the URL don't have enough posts under my belt to post links yet.

      Here is the URL again bit.ly/xHFxc3

      There is NO VIDEO in the current landing page !!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bali Dancer
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    • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
      Yes I agree about the. Video.. This is a new page so 1st we are testing without the. Video for a while and then we will compare results with video.. But many good selling programs on ClickBank as plain simple text landing pages ..
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    • Profile picture of the author Centurian
      Originally Posted by Bali Dancer View Post

      It will be more interesting if you change the header and add a video...!

      I'd do a powerpoint video showing the sales page text as you talk through the copy. It's just not engaging enough.

      If you really want to increase conversion, consider finding a graphics designer on the WF to do a makeover on the entire page.
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      • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
        Have been thinking about doing a split test with the video vs without. The landing page is new and we are still testing it.

        Will test with the video as well. What do you think about this video Publications_
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        • Profile picture of the author Centurian
          Originally Posted by HealthEnclave View Post

          Have been thinking about doing a split test with the video vs without. The landing page is new and we are still testing it.

          Will test with the video as well. What do you think about this video Publications_
          I really like the new sales page layout! Much more interesting.

          The news clips are VERY powerful third party credibility for your message! But...

          Get rid of the stupid "TV remote clicking" between clips. It's too distracting. Just string the TV news clips together. It works better.

          It makes me wonder if changing the channel is the point of your video. Off message!

          I personally don't like the voice over artist. It seems she missed a couple of words when she cuts in. Too boring, too. I might prefer your own voice to her. Test one that way.
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          • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
            Hey Centurian,

            I really appreciate you taking the time to see the video... Do you think the script of the video is Good Enough ? Good Enough to make a sale vs the new landing page ??

            I have my doubts but only testing can solve the dilemma
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  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    1. As you are probably well aware, you have a lot of competition. You need to differentiate your product much more. It could use a "hook."

    One thing that might work, is enhancing your authority AS A MEDICAL DOCTOR on the subject.

    Few if any of your competition have a doctor as the author.

    2. While the information is good, the piece really doesn't grab you, emotionally speaking. It should.

    3. You need to romance the end result of going on your detox program. Like what's going to happen?

    This doesn't do it for me and this is the best you've got so far:

    "Picture yourself actually following a plan…a plan proven by countless women and men…and enjoying the physical, spiritual and emotional benefits that come from eliminating poisonous toxins over 30 days."

    How are they going to look and feel, mind, body and soul after just thirty days?

    4. It could use wider margins and grammar checking.

    5. If it were me, I'd do a re-write. You have all the basic pieces. They just need to be amped up and re-positioned.


    Because the piece feels generic. Like you cut and pasted a much of stuff together. For instance, saying you're a medical doctor--is that all you can say about yourself when it comes to detox as a cure or remedy?

    What about your perspective, your experience, your beliefs when it comes to detoxing?

    6. I think your going to have to justify the price more. One can buy a hard copy detox book new for $25 on Amazon.

    6. This is a perfect product form being published on the Kindle platform.

    I hope this helps.

    - Rick Duris
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    • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
      Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

      1. As you are probably well aware, you have a lot of competition. You need to differentiate your product much more. It could use
      Hey Rick thanks for that awesome dose of information. Well I think you could buy a book related to any ClickBank product for less than 25$ .

      But you are right about the emotional part which this script is unable to capture .. Also wasn't aware of the competition ...

      Could you help with the re-write ??
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  • Profile picture of the author helisell
    The headline isn't right (I'll come back to it) but it seems to be unrelated to the opening copy.

    Will I learn about cancer risks or not feeling sluggish. I know where you are going with it but I think a visitor may tune out for lack of a specific single benefit.

    That headline!!?? Mmmmnnnn how about something like

    Your body is TOXIC. Even if you take care of yourself you are likely running on half throttle for most of the day and couldn't figure out why. Combine that feeling with an increased cancer risk and you can see why you need to read this breaking news.

    That's not exactly right either but it is getting closer.

    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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    • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
      Originally Posted by helisell View Post

      The headline isn't right (I'll come back to it) but it seems to be unrelated to the opening copy.
      I agree that the Headline needs some work.. Actually an IMAGE ad that we are running says "You May Have .. Cancer ... An not even know it"

      Wanted to follow up the Ad so that the visitor could then link the ad to the headline and find continuity

      Still working on improving the page .. and the right combination of headline

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      • Profile picture of the author Azarna
        "Dear Friends,
        You don't know me, I realize..."

        Friends are people who DO know you.

        Plus referring to people who don't know you as 'friends' is always a bit annoying.
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        • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave

          Good one !! I think making it "Dear Reader" will sound and feel much better.

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  • Profile picture of the author SamJ
    Nobody's mentioned this yet, but the formatting is abysmal! It's ugly, which isn't always bad, but it's hard to read, which is bad.
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    • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
      Really ?? I thought adding the extra spaces and all would actually AID in helping readers read. Also grouping text into huge paragraphs makes it harder for readers to read vs text spread out which is easier on the eye..

      Could you please be a little more specific .. maybe quote a specific part so that I could understand your Point of view.

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  • Profile picture of the author Russel Mogul
    I stopped reading after that headline...........absolutely awful

    Your whole copy/sales process needs a rework
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    • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
      So you think that this Copy Could be tweaked and improved ?? Or you think it's Hopeless ??

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  • Profile picture of the author David Franklin
    I agree with Rick, you need to use your authority as a doctor in a much bigger way. Also, your headline is about prevention. People will do a lot more to cure an ailment or problem in their life than they will ever do to prevent one. Maybe a classic headline approach like:

    Do you know these 13 warning signs that point to dangerous toxins in your body and are they what's making you sick? A Doctor reveals an easy way to feel better in just 30 days... without drugs.

    Also, don't be afraid to give away half the content of the book in the sales page. Just make sure you do it in a way that leaves them desperate to know the rest of the story.
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    • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
      Your point about Prevention VS Cure is spot on.. Read it in a book by Dan S. Kennedy ..

      Anyway thanks for the info really helps ....
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  • Profile picture of the author Brendanm
    Looks good though as David said use your authority in a different way.
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    • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
      Thanks, We are working with a New Copywriter and hopefully he will be able to fix that for us.

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  • Profile picture of the author helisell
    That headline is still miles off.

    As a visitor am I going to be shown how to reduce my risk of cancer as you say in the headline...

    I doubt that many people are looking for this as a problem/solution as it is very vague....what I mean is...do people really search the internet because their internal dialogue is..."I wonder if I can find a way to reduce my cancer risk?"


    Am I going to learn how to lose weight as the sub-head says?

    You really need to address that headline or the visitors will leave in a few seconds....really they will.

    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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    • Profile picture of the author thehorizon
      I think you can improve on the hook more. You see, people are motivated by fear in the present, not so much of fear in the future. That's the reason why sales for prevention lose significantly to sales for cures & solutions. People just don't feel that "cold blood chill" and "heart-thumping" sensation if you tell them about risks in the future. Why do you think people continue to smoke despite knowing it significantly raises the risk of lung cancer?

      The headline is also your chance to seize your prospect's attention and send them excitedly reading through the rest of the letter without fail. Remove their suspicions with credibility...

      (Note: this headline just illustrates how to use credibility, it isn't necessarily a good hook.)
      Eg. "Famous Medical Doctor/Oncologist shows how you can easily flush out aching colds, bleach away cancer and evaporate all kinds of illnesses from you and your loved ones... with his revolutionary scientifically-proven detox system!"
      Note: this headline is a little confusing because its too long.

      Find the real, best hidden hook on why a person is really interested in a detoxification product. Remember that people don't know what they want. They don't tell you what they want. Certainly, cancer prevention is a big hook, but I think you can still hit the nail closer to the head.

      When you agitate/stir up someone's feelings in the copy by resonating to them, don't tell them to do something that requires a lot of effort. The word "remember" is quite charged- a lot of people don't like to remember. Remembering a feeling sounds like a lot of work. Instead, just simply stir up the feelings as you did at the start. Insert more bullets to capture more prospects' situations in your opening net.

      I find a lack of involvement with the prospect. Not only the "yous", but resonating and bringing the prospect from where he/she is to where you want him to go. Remember that your main purpose in a sales copy is to persuade the prospect, not to simply give them information hoping they'll trust you.

      Also, be really "specific" and yet vague when trying to predict the predicaments of your prospects. For example, cold reading by fortune tellers. Fortune tellers normally say something like, "you have a very hard exterior, but especially when you're alone, you self-reflect and actually have a soft side." Somehow, the prospect's imagination goes wild and they start relating themselves to the "specific" statement. Try "predicting" how they live their normal lives, then slowly pile the disgust of having a toxified system in them.

      For example, you get them into a Yes-set.

      You: When you swallow food, the food rolls up into tiny balls (boli) and go down into your stomach through special muscle movements (peristalsis).
      Prospect: Yes. This guy is an authority, he knows technical terms. I understand what he means.

      You: Your stomach starts to churn the food with special juices to digest them.
      Prospect: Yes.

      As you pile the momentum of "yes" in the prospect's mind, he reckons you to have a tendency of speaking truth. Most people have their own definitions of detoxification, however, you should define it for them. Define it in a way where they can understand and they can visualize its importance.

      For example, you can talk about the normal func of the body"s own detox system, and how it is solely not sufficient. Emphasize it. State how their own intervention is highly crucial.

      What others don't do = unique. Try out novel mechanisms of bringing out your benefits, but make sure these are not what others avoid (which obviously means detrimental to conversions).

      Try involve them in a story. Use You a lot.

      It's still good compared to many pieces of copy I have seen here so far.
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      • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave
        Originally Posted by thehorizon View Post

        I think you can improve on the hook more. You see, people are motivated by fear in the present, not so much of fear in the future. That's the reason why sales for prevention lose significantly to sales for cures & solutions. People just don't feel that "cold blood chill" and "heart-thumping" sensation
        Hey your reply was both very Informative and Encouraging !! I am working with someone to improve the Headline , Hook and overall appeal of the website to the readers.

        Hopefully we will work out something Awesome
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    • Profile picture of the author HealthEnclave

      You are spot on with your comments about the Heading .. Still working on it and trying to find the best combination and balance.

      Also this comment "internal dialogue is..."I wonder if I can find a way to reduce my cancer risk?" Pretty much nails it
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  • Profile picture of the author helisell
    As 'thehorizon' said, people are searching for something that is an 'immediate' problem/solution so some wishy washy claim about some 'possible future risk of cancer' will simply bomb.

    I reckon there is a huge market in people who feel tired, aching muscles, lack of energy and don't know that it is probably because of a toxic body.

    Find people who are suffering those symptoms and sell them on the fact that it is toxins causing all their distress and I think you'll be onto a winner.

    Focus on all the chemicals we are exposed to these days...soaps shampoos, deoderants, face creams, fumes, waste etc etc and you'll find an audience.

    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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    • Profile picture of the author Content Creator
      I like the old website better. It looks more modern.
      The new website lacks any kind of "pop", and it looks old.
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