Buying Amazon Reviews

by antis
7 replies
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I've seen some guys selling Amazon reviews on
Do you think it is worth it? Will they look legitimate?
#amazon #buying #reviews
  • Profile picture of the author erickz
    Don't use fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lipipaliwal
    No, don't prefer fiverr. Because, there are so many individuals provide their fake information and cheat you as well. So, it is not a good decision to go with that.
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  • Furthermore - the Internet as a whole is going away from the 'if-you-pay-for-contrived-quality-you-won't-be-rewarded.'

    Google Panda
    Google Penguin
    Facebook getting rid of fake likes
    Twitter getting rid of fake followers

    And a future headline: "Amazon Gets Rid of Fake Reviews"

    It just makes the Internet better for everyone to do it right.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
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    • Profile picture of the author sophuk
      It shows if the buyer is a verfiied purchaser too, doesn't it ?
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  • You are allowed to offer a free product for a truthful, unbiased review...but there's no guarantee it will be positive or negative. I would suggest staying away from purchasing reviews though. Just saw ChannelAdvisor's webinar about how to avoid getting suspended on Amazon, and they seem to be cracking down on fraudulent reviews. I don't think its worth the risk, just my two cents.

    Tiana with ecomdash
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  • Profile picture of the author hbennick
    First - I've done several Fiverr transactions, and I've never been swindled. I don't think that there's a credibility problem with Fiverr.

    Second - In general, reviews purchased on Fiverr are going to be very generic, one sentence reviews. They just look like fake reviews. You are better off giving away a few pieces to friends and asking them to write reviews.
    Starting an Amazon business? Expanding your eBay line? Absolutely lost? Know your stuff, but need a little help? Please private message me, I can help. I've helped several people achieve their goals. There's no charge if I can't help you.
    Also, please check out my Advanced FaceBook Amazon FBA Mastermind Group.
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  • I actually like the 'free product for a review' principle.

    Sometimes it's hard to educate the market in knowing why they should buy your product.

    But if you're willing to give your product away to educate, it shows you have a lot of faith in your product.

    It's why I don't sell with a 'no returns' policy. It's way too beneficial to pay for return shipping as it shows faith in the product.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
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