Is it still good to get into the Apparel Niche?

4 replies
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I see a lot of stores popping up their niches is in the apparel and fashion

shoes, bags, clothes for men and women...

Is it still good to enter into the fashion niche?
#apparel #good #niche
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    First off, there is no such thing as an over-saturated niche. The only thing that matters is who is on page one of the search results and the other hundreds, thousands or more websites simply do not matter. That said, there are certainly some niches that are much easier to rank organically on page one than others.

    It is undoubtedly extremely difficult for ranking organically unless you can find a very specific niche within the general apparel niche (perhaps something like alligator shoes, for instance). Plan on getting the lion's share of your business from advertising or social networking.

    The biggest problem with most of the apparel niche is that customers frequently order the wrong size. Most of the big brand name websites allow customers to return things for free (and even pay for the shipping), so if you want to compete, you better have the margins to afford the same return policy. Of course, that is not as big of an issue with things like belts, purses and ties.
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  • Profile picture of the author MValmont
    It is a great niche,

    The real question is will you be able to compete?
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  • Profile picture of the author simon leach
    great comments. the key is how will you stand out and specialize to serve a tightly defined market that you can "curate" a great collection.
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  • Profile picture of the author GosuCommerce
    This niche is not recommended actually (you'll face too many refunds)
    Think about another niche (here is the list of good niches, may be you'll like something -
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