Question about url's inside emails

6 replies
Hi, long time lurker of this forum.

I have a custom url shortener that I want to use to make a url to send along some emails.

I want to protect a domain behind the shortened url so If the email is marked as spam, the domain don't gain the same reputation (because is going to be behind the shortened url).

Is this going to work? Nothing shady here, I just want to protect main domain.

#emails #inside #question #url
  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    How the domain would get any penalization from the fact that your mail will go to the spam folder?

    These are two different things.

    Your domain could get a penalization of google if there are tossic backlinks, or you make some black seo hat, or whatsoever related to the presence of the site in the web.

    And as an example if you spam you shortener with 100k backlinks it wont save your site from being eventually penalized.

    But it does not apply on mailbox.
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    • I was having the the same answer but though that strategies might have been changed. Thanks for clarifying anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
    Another advantage of using a url shortner is that you can track the clicks and get some analytics data that can help refine your campaigns.
    For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
    After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Gustavo Ferreti
    Thanks for your responses.

    The domain doesn't have any black hat seo strategies or anything like that, is a very legitimate domain.

    Google is very smart, so I thought that when the emails reached gmail, google was going to crawl the url's inside the email.

    Thanks for letting me now!
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  • Profile picture of the author powermta kudos
    hi Gustavo Ferreti,

    URL shortening affects email deliverability. they mask where a link actually goes. It is used for many purposes like:

    Dont want recipients to see their actual website domains, or
    Dont want ISPs and other organizations to be able to filter out their spam by blocking emails that have the spammers domain in the body of the email.

    URL shortener affects delivery in following way:

    If one or more ISPs start blocking emails that include that link shortening domain (to block the spammer), they may inadvertently block your emails.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gustavo Ferreti
      You are right, this is only a one time thing that Im not going to do again, and as I said, I have a custom url shortener so Im not affected by the reputation of other platforms (either way, google dont like shortened url's so I think they still dont like my shortened url's)
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