Graphic Apparel Solo Ads

by Damica
2 replies
Was wondering if anyone could recommend where to purchase small solo ad campaign for the graphic apparel industry? I own a small tshirt printing company and would like to build my newsletter subscriber list for my monthly newsletter.

We have a great monthly newsletter that always has great promotions in it, along with tshirt trivia fun facts.

#ads #apparel #graphic #solo
  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    Look for people building a list in that niche and contact them. You should be able to find a lot of product owners for that on Clickbank.
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  • Profile picture of the author caretaker
    Hi Damica,
    Try Googling Graphic apparels, after you get the results of all the websites in that niche, make sure those websites have Ads or banner Ads on them, if they have go to the contact menu, contact the owner ask few questions, many monthly visitors to his site, how much, etc... and see if he will sell you his list.
    How this helps.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9560628].message }}

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