Operation Scar by James Yii

4 replies
Has anyone heard of this? Any feedback from anyone about these tactics?

#james #operation #scar #yii
  • Profile picture of the author sallycev
    Ok, I'm going to respond to my own inquiry. lol

    Since it had a guarantee I thought I would check the "Operation S.C.A.R." out. After purchasing I quickly scanned what seemed like way too many ebooks and didn't see anything that looked revolutionary or new.

    It gave me the impression that these "books" were not original content but a compilation of content that was put together. I tried to find some evidence of the promises
    Discover the top secret, speedy money-getting tactics of super affiliates...

    Dive into my personal war chest of coveted techniques for grabbing thick wads of cash online...
    Finally live the lifestyle you deserve. Work on your business when you want from wherever you want...But I didn't find them.

    I won't quibble, I won't ask questions...
    If you want your money back, you got it.

    I did ask for a refund. No response yet so we'll see.

    I'm now starting to get bombarded with the usual promotional emails from the usual suspects so I hope this helps anyone that might be considering it.

    All the best!
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    • Profile picture of the author Valuegiver
      Hi Sally,

      Appreciate your 'answering your own question' as I was curious about this product.

      But just thought I'd mention -- no reason to 'test' the refund promise -- it's a
      Clickbank product. Clickbank is like 'Fort Knox' -- automatic refund if requested within 60 days. More helpful to question a refund promise when payment goes to a little-known company or an individual.

      As for the emails, by buying a product you end up on their list. It would be poor form from a marketer's perspective if they didn't email you. Nothing worth critiquing there. Just unsubscribe.

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      • Profile picture of the author mistermint
        Hi Sally,

        Just wanted to ask if you got the free report from James entitled " The Black Room Theory" ? ...

        I think quite a few marketers were pushing this to their list so that the recipients got the free report...


        Make cash flow forecasts in openoffice.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbgal
    Hey Sally,

    You just saved me some money (well maybe time anyway since I would've asked for a refund too). I was on the list of a warrior from whom I bought a WSO and he was promoting this. Well, he just lost me on his list, LOL.


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