Devon Brown's Easiest System Ever?

by MSB1
1 replies
Hi warriors, I'm thinking about joining Devon Brown's Easiest System Ever.
For some reason it all seems to good to be true, has anyone had any experience with this system?
The idea is to build a big enough email list is the IM niche, how many subscribers would be good? I was thinking about 5000 subscribers in 3 months from now.
For generating traffic I was thinking solo ads, buy and sell ads and site scout.
What sort of budget would be required (rough example) for building an email list with about 5000 subscribers?

Thanks in advance for your help warriors.
#brown #devon #easiest #system
  • Profile picture of the author scottmanesis
    Based on a reasonable 25% average on conversion (some solo ads deliver better and some deliver worse) you are looking at around 20,000 clicks. The industry average on decent solo ads runs about .50 cents per approximately 10,000 dollars worth of solo ads give or take.

    Of course this is only based on solo ads and I used low numbers, many solo ads convert better and you can often find better deals than 50 cents per click.

    That's just solo ads, of course there are tons of other ways to deliver traffic that are not near as costly but solos deliver almost instantly. Other methods are just as effective but take longer time, if you want to build that size of a decent list though, its probably going to take longer than 3 months unless you have the capitol to order that volume of solo ad clicks in that period of time.

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