Does Anyone Have Experience with WP's VideoPress Service?

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I've spent the last two days searching Google, YouTube, Bing, and just searched this forum and the level of information about Wordpress's VideoPress service, and in particular integration with a self-hosted WP installation is damn near scarily miniscule.

It's almost as if NO ONE has ever used the service. I've actually got a pre-sales ticket in at Automattic asking some of the same questions I'm going to ask here, and I suspect I will get an answer here before I get one from Automattic, which doesn't bode well on the customer service front, but on paper VideoPress looks like EXACTLY the solution I want, but there are two year old articles from prior to subsequent upgrades to the self-hosted plugin and VideoPress itself that leave some fairly key questions unanswered.

If anyone has actually used VideoPress I would love to hear your thoughts on my questions.

A) Does VideoPress provide links to a media enclosure file so I can plug that URL into Blubrry's PowerPress plugin for a video podcast on a self-hosted blog.

B) Has VideoPress expanded beyond 720p video to handle 1080p yet, or should I encode and upload 720p video only?

C) Have the problems with video hanging when uploaded from a self-hosted site due to a flaw in the plugin been resolved?

Honestly if I can't video podcast from a self-hosted site using Videopress it isn't what I need, but if I can video podcast from a self-hosted site using Videopress it might be EXACTLY what I need. The problem is there are almost no answers to these questions online, and scant documentation or tutorials about how to use Videopress for podcasting.
#experience #service #videopress

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