8 replies
Hey there.
I am going to launch my new WSO and when I add it, moderator asks me to change it as we have new WSO rules. Not to show earnings proof.

Ok, I deleted my earnings proof (pictures I mean).
Then, submitted again, he said to remove everything like "earn big bucks with this strategy" or my product's name "How I made $105 in 15 minutes". How can I change that or to what?

I am already tired of resubmitting it again and again. Its been 4 times I do it and it doesnt get approve.

Thanks. Please help me. Advice how to post.

Is something like - "How I made 3 figures online" can be used?
#rules #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Tom B
    Originally Posted by askamnet View Post

    Hey there.
    I am going to launch my new WSO and when I add it, moderator asks me to change it as we have new WSO rules. Not to show earnings proof.

    Ok, I deleted my earnings proof (pictures I mean).
    Then, submitted again, he said to remove everything like "earn big bucks with this strategy" or my product's name "How I made $105 in 15 minutes". How can I change that or to what?

    I am already tired of resubmitting it again and again. Its been 4 times I do it and it doesnt get approve.

    Thanks. Please help me. Advice how to post.

    Is something like - "How I made 3 figures online" can be used?
    You're trying to get around the rules by rewording income claims.

    Instead, try selling the product, itself, and how it will help others. If you can't do that, you shouldn't be selling it in the first place.

    You making $105 doesn't help me in any way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by askamnet View Post

    Is something like - "How I made 3 figures online" can be used?
    Only if you prove that you made a 3-figure sum through Warrior Payments. Otherwise they can't verify it. It's actually easier than you imagine: you just have to understand and accept that unverified income claims are no longer allowed.

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  • Profile picture of the author askamnet
    OK, my product helps building websites and flipping them. Then? What shall I do?
    Maybe it doesn't help you, maybe it will help anyone else.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9813686].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tom B
      Originally Posted by askamnet View Post

      OK, my product helps building websites and flipping them. Then? What shall I do?
      Maybe it doesn't help you, maybe it will help anyone else.
      You misread what I wrote. You making 105 in 15 minutes doesn't help anyone. You are just trying to suggest everyone will make that which isn't true.

      Instead, point out why your flipping system works better than others. Develop your USP. A income claim is not a USP (Unique selling point).

      Consistent sales? Does your system provide better sites that are sold more consistently than other systems?
      Faster sales? Does your system build up quicker sales than other systems.?
      Faster sites? Can these sites be built within 10 minutes or less?

      Why should anyone purchase your system over all the other flipping site systems?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9813700].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Zenoth
      Originally Posted by askamnet View Post

      OK, my product helps building websites and flipping them. Then? What shall I do?
      Maybe it doesn't help you, maybe it will help anyone else.
      Than, why don't you rename your product to someting like: "Learn how to make easy money flipping sites" (or a better version).

      What I want to say it's that you should rename your product to something related to the content of the product itself instead of general marketing wonders (get rich fast, make 100 dollars in 10 minutes and so on). Probably that's the reason why your WSO is not getting approved.
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  • Profile picture of the author askamnet
    Ok, thank you Alexa!

    Then I will just reword everything as moderator told me.
    But I am afraid that it will really decrease my sales...
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidAllenNeron
    I'm somewhat glad the days of income claims are gone, because it's really a sad way of advertising a method/technique etc.

    I find it funny that people don't know how to advertise their products without income claims. It confused me at first when I was introduced to the IM niche, I'm not buying income claims, it's like getting married before you know someone.

    People need to make the switch from selling income claims to selling information.
    Sell me on your ability to teach something, not on your personal income.

    People got mixed up on modeling success and everyone thought success was the income claims and not the knowledge that led to the income.

    *Can something like - "How I made 3 figures online" can be used?
    Answer your own question and you'll have a new thread title...
    How did you make 3 figures online? if the method is actually helpful you should be able to describe that without giving away too much. If people are reluctant to buy it based on what you reveal maybe there's already enough info about it, or people just aren't interested.

    The whole income claim advertising method is a way of creating secrecy about the method itself while enticing people with income claims and not educational claims..
    Make educational claims instead of financial claims..
    "How I learned to XYZ in X months" "How I can teach you XYZ in X Months" "It took me 5 months to develop this technique, get the fast track and learn everything I have with my 2 week course, or my ebook, or my coaching program or my video tutorials"

    As internet marketers we should pride ourselves on our resourcefulness and our creativity.

    Let the products stand on their own, not the income claims associated with them. Not everyone will have the same success but we can educate the community in a way that promotes clarity, focus and direction, instead of buying the next income claim.
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  • Profile picture of the author askamnet
    Thanks guys for your responses.
    Submitted let's see the results and wish you all will like it
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