Most realistic online business model? Request for help and a story about me.

12 replies
Hey guys,
So there are many ways to earn money online, as we all know.

Blogging, Online store, Online Directory, Review sites, classified directory sites.

Are there any others ?

And which "model" do each of you suggest to be the most realistic in todays busy life style?

I'm soon to be launching my community website for a community in Cape Town, it has a business directory, forums, blog, future mobile app, social network (maybe), and future classifieds also. I will also be posting anything relevant and happening in our community, as well as safety information. The entire site is designed and dedicated JUST to our community of around 80 - 100 000 (but a big fraction of that are poor squatters).

I'm going to be monetizing it with adspace for businesses on the homepage, as well as paying a subscription for the directory.

My next venture after that is to start an Ecommerce store, I've already made some good connections who will be supplying me stock on consignment at wholesale, and another online store who will be supplying me by dropshipping.

My third goal and online business is to start my blog on Spirituality, the Mind, Body, helping people, inspiring people and telling people about where I have come from, having pulled myself out of a bad drug addiction, depression, all by myself with no outside help or rehab, and also talk about my growing up with bullying (somehow Ill pull this altogether with a theme to Inspire people, Make them Happy, Teach and share spiritual things, meditation etc) And monetize that how? With ads? Create my own meditation course?

I was also overweight for most of my life and now after years of strict discpline lifestyle, stopping drinking, eating healthy, lots of exercising, am muscular and toned.

Depression, Drugs, Weight problems, all the biggest problems in the lives of human beings today - of which I cured myself of all of them, with no help but my mind and willpower.

So this blog will be based on that.

What do you guys think about the above? Any ways / opportunities you more experienced people see I could monetize / focus more to boost the money?

Life at home is a big struggle, I need to make money for myself, my future, and for my family. I wont go into detail but its a sad story. My dads not earning, my moms building herself into heaps of debt because of this, trying to keep us afloat, and thy're both above 60 which should be when you retired. So I need to fast track all of this and make it happen for their sake, and for my future.

Okay I said a bit more than I was planning. But if any of you reading this could take some time to lend your thoughts to share ways I could do it quicker, and more effective, or if you just think I should do something else entirely. (No scams or MLM stuff though please)

PS I'm 24 years old.

Many thanks, From South Africa.

#affiliate marketing #blogging #business #help a newbie #make money online 2015
  • Profile picture of the author stlastla
    You can definitely make money on the niches you describe above. I wont go to deep in my answer, but what ever format you choose, you should start to build your email list from day one. You can monetize these sites with affiliate products, you can make a paid membership site where you teach stuff. You can buy PLR material and sell it. There are numerous ways. Go check out Stuart Walkers Niche Hacks. He writes about the things you are asking about.

    Good Luck and never give up!
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    • Profile picture of the author Olympio
      Any model you name here or you will complete has insight one secret to be effective : build list and market to the list. Keep in mind that isn't the model which build success but the ability to construct responsive list and make money.


      Originally Posted by stlastla View Post

      You can definitely make money on the niches you describe above. I wont go to deep in my answer, but what ever format you choose, you should start to build your email list from day one. You can monetize these sites with affiliate products, you can make a paid membership site where you teach stuff. You can buy PLR material and sell it. There are numerous ways. Go check out Stuart Walkers Niche Hacks. He writes about the things you are asking about.

      Good Luck and never give up!
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    • Profile picture of the author DigitalNinja
      Originally Posted by stlastla View Post

      You can definitely make money on the niches you describe above. I wont go to deep in my answer, but what ever format you choose, you should start to build your email list from day one. You can monetize these sites with affiliate products, you can make a paid membership site where you teach stuff. You can buy PLR material and sell it. There are numerous ways. Go check out Stuart Walkers Niche Hacks. He writes about the things you are asking about.

      Good Luck and never give up!
      Thanks very much for your reply. I would love to but how can I build my list before my blog is online?

      I've started building the list for my community site by making a coming soon page where they can pre-register with bribes and to be registered to the platform once its launched.

      However, how would I begin building my list for my self help blog before its launch?

      I have the domani name secure. But havent started the site. No time at the moment with everything else.
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  • Profile picture of the author DigitalNinja
    Bump anyone?
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  • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
    I too, am working on an inspirational / motivation blog. First thing I'd do (well I'm going to do this), is look at my top 10-20 competitors in regards to my niche. From there, I want to see their link profile (SEO), and also the type of content that they're posting. I also want to follow their social media (fb, twitter, instagram, pinterest etc), and see what topic users are engaging in the most. From there, I can see what headlines work, etc. etc. Of course, I won't know until I test it out myself but I can get an idea of what my target would get into.

    The competitors analysis will strongly help you with your game plan. You may learn a thing or two or 10 just by seeing what top competitors are doing. For instance, let's say you devote 102389523985 hours on a forum but then none of your competitors are doing that but they do MUCH better with content / email? Then that would tell you two things..1) you'll be the only one with a forum so your site is unique (BUT what if it doesn't work?) 2) You see that content / email works so now you can devote most of your time there. (BUT what if it's too saturated?). So you want to trust the data, start installing Google Analytics, and when you get into paid advertising you want to use prosper202 (free). or voluum (paid).

    Hope that helps.

    RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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    • Profile picture of the author DigitalNinja
      Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

      I too, am working on an inspirational / motivation blog. First thing I'd do (well I'm going to do this), is look at my top 10-20 competitors in regards to my niche. From there, I want to see their link profile (SEO), and also the type of content that they're posting. I also want to follow their social media (fb, twitter, instagram, pinterest etc), and see what topic users are engaging in the most. From there, I can see what headlines work, etc. etc. Of course, I won't know until I test it out myself but I can get an idea of what my target would get into.

      The competitors analysis will strongly help you with your game plan. You may learn a thing or two or 10 just by seeing what top competitors are doing. For instance, let's say you devote 102389523985 hours on a forum but then none of your competitors are doing that but they do MUCH better with content / email? Then that would tell you two things..1) you'll be the only one with a forum so your site is unique (BUT what if it doesn't work?) 2) You see that content / email works so now you can devote most of your time there. (BUT what if it's too saturated?). So you want to trust the data, start installing Google Analytics, and when you get into paid advertising you want to use prosper202 (free). or voluum (paid).

      Hope that helps.
      Awesome advice man. Thank you very much. How would I see their link profile?
      What tools in totality would I need to "Spy" on them, analyze them and copy them, but with my own Unique Life story and ways to help the target audience?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9988785].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
        Originally Posted by DigitalNinja View Post

        Awesome advice man. Thank you very much. How would I see their link profile?
        What tools in totality would I need to "Spy" on them, analyze them and copy them, but with my own Unique Life story and ways to help the target audience?
        You can use it's free to use but an indepth version would be $100 a month.

        Also sign up to it's free to use trial but $100 a month as well.

        Download SEO Quake toolbar it's free.

        Also you can simply just go on their sties and get ideas from there on .

        RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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  • Profile picture of the author mikefashen
    In my opinion the best way of making it online is something I detailed quite extensively in answer to another post. You can read what I said here:

    Stop trying and start DOING

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  • The best way is probably ''email marketing''

    Most of these methods rely on data a.k.a ''email marketing'' to work..

    If you have data, contact you can make any business model work!

    Look at Facebook, they could start hundreds of million dollar companies, because they have so much freaking data/contacts

    [CENTER][B]==> Do you want to make money online? [/B]
    Free video: How regular people are making 6-figures per month on the internet! [URL=""][B]Watch this free video now![/B][/URL] <==[/CENTER]

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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Blah Blah Blah, Use the search button and look at older threads. Also there are many sub-forums here that can be used. You could even try that little site called google.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    We all have a sob story to tell, that does not change reality though... There are no quick money making methods/secrets etc. It takes time to build a solid business online just like in the real world added to that the fact that their is a huge failure rate and you see what you up against...

    You need to stick to one project at a time, you talk about a directory the ecomm then a spirituality site? don't jump around or spread yourself to thin, you won't succeed...
    PS. As far as ecomm store, how many South Africans shop online? And how reliable are shipping companies?
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Eagle07
    Here are realistic business models that you can establish online:

    1. Affiliate marketing - create a blog on a certain niche and promote affiliate products in there.
    2. Information Product Marketing - create a how to guide on an area that most people would be having problems and provide solutions to it through the guide. Sell your guide online.
    3. Create a website that can attract a lot of visitors or users or readers and then sell advertising space.
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