Need help putting together a Jeff Walker style product launch (a series of them actually)

4 replies
First of all, apologize for the long question. The thing is I've just finished reading Jeff's book and I am a bit overwhelmed with so much options. I had a lot of ideas from where to start and there is a lot of ways I can execute them. Maybe you experts could give me some advice.

My ultimate goal is to build a membership website with 10.000 members paying like $18 a month or $177 a year. I know this is a pretty high goal, but I read somewhere that I should think big. It's also for like 3 years from now.

The niche I've chosen is online Pilates video streaming. Pretty much like, but with more of a feel. Focused on the Brazilian audience. My wife is a certified pilates instructor and she owns a studio here in Brazil with 60 something clients paying a little over 140 bucks a month on average and they all love her. I really believe there is a large enough niche here. More than 2 million people pay Netflix $6 monthly for the basic plan and there are pilates instagram accounts with over 35k followers. And there is no membership pilates websites yet while in the US there are at least half a dozen.

We have no list whatsoever and she doesn't have an authority per se. And I am pretty newbie on the internet marketing business.

So, I first thought of trying Jeff's formula with another product so I could get the hang of it. Since I started a small Italian restaurant myself for 2 years now with no prior experience at all and I have learned a lot since then, I could create a crash course on opening/managing/marketing a food and beverage business. But then I'd be postponing what I believe to be the good stuff, that is the Pilates thing.

After that, I thought I should start with a seed launch for a beginner level Pilates training on video. I would then be building a larger list through squeeze pages/facebook ads/Google adwords/youtube video/content marketing/etc and build an authority through youtube video/book publishing so it could eventually evolve to an internal launch of that product followed by a series of launches of intermediate and advanced level programs, programs designed specific for people with specific needs (pregnant, disabilities, and so on). At some point it would lead to some JV launches and by then I'd have enough material, authority and a list to launch the membership website. From them I would do JV launches of a discounted year plan a few times a year.

I know it is a lot to work on, but I am extremely excited to get this going. I need to take the first "baby step", so I could really use some pointers.

Which way would you guys go first? Do you think it sounds like a plan or do I sound like a crazy person?

Thank you.
#jeff #jeff walker #launch #membership site marketing #product #product launch formula #putting #seed launch #series #style #walker
  • Profile picture of the author kk075
    It sounds like a plan, but people have great plans every single day. That's the easy part.

    The hard part is getting started on that plan, and you know exactly where to get started because you said so yourself. Figure out how to get traffic. It could be paid ads, hitting other niche sites, video marketing...the options are endless. But nobody here can give you that answer; you're going to have to dig in and do your homework to see what works.

    In the meantime, start having a site developed now and get your core content in place. That will take some time, so get it started now and use that time to get out there in restaurant management and pilates communities. Meet the influential bloggers in those niches, take in a few conferences and start networking like crazy. Learn the lingo, then talk to potential clients and ask them what they'd pay $20 a month for. There's a whole lot to do while the site is being built.

    As far as which way would I go...that's easy. I'd go pilates because that's the one you want to do. Both ideas are going to require hundreds of hours of work and research, so it makes little sense to drop all that time into a "test site" when you can test your main goal and get good feedback in the process. As long as you truly listen to what subscribers and visitors have to say, then you'll have a very good chance of being successful.

    That is, if you do your homework and become an actual authority. That's the key in any site.

    Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

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    • Profile picture of the author raonitimo
      Thank you kk075, that sounds like really good advice. I'll get busy recording videos, testing and optimizing squeeze pages, ads, and all that stuff ASAP. It's a lot to do and learn.

      jasondinner, I'll probably buy Jeff's Product Launch Formula, but it's not open now and I don't want to lose time. Thank you.

      DubDubDubDot, I believe Pilates can be market as something that actually change peoples lives. It's the first step away from sedentarism and it really helps to get rid of pains such as mild back pain. But I agree it should never be sold as a lose weight fast kind of program. Don´t you think the concepts apply?
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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    Probably would be helpful to buy Jeff's Product Launch Formula if you don't already own it or have access to it so you can be 100% certain you are properly executing a Jeff Walker style product launch.

    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

    Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

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    • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
      Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

      Probably would be helpful to buy Jeff's Product Launch Formula if you don't already own it or have access to it so you can be 100% certain you are properly executing a Jeff Walker style product launch.
      I think that depends on how they are going to position this pilates material. It might be too mainstream for a Walker style product launch. If they are going to position it as a cure for devastating bodily ailments, then maybe....
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