Marketing with Google/Yahoo Groups, etc?

9 replies
Just wanted to ask real quick if anyone here has experience promoting something like a blog using relevant Yahoo/Google groups, etc? I know these are basically forums, but with the option to receive each post as an e-mail.

I was wondering if anyone here has experience promoting with these? Can you use the same post with a link to your blog, vary up the anchors, and post it to multiple relevant groups... or will Google likely punish you for this?
#google or yahoo #groups #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author ContentPro22
    Do you mean like Yahoo Answers? I've used that fairly successfully when building new squeeze pages.
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    • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
      Originally Posted by ContentPro22 View Post

      Do you mean like Yahoo Answers? I've used that fairly successfully when building new squeeze pages.

      No, I meant Yahoo Groups.

      What do you do with Yahoo Answers?
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      • Profile picture of the author ContentPro22
        Originally Posted by Cam Connor View Post

        No, I meant Yahoo Groups.

        What do you do with Yahoo Answers?
        Oh, okay...sorry for the misunderstanding.

        I go to Yahoo Answers and type in a question that someone within my niche may be looking for (e.g. if they snore, I'll type in "How can I stop snoring", or "How can I get my husband to stop snoring", or something similar). Then, if you have a Yahoo account, you can post answers to these question with a link back to your landing page. Nothing too difficult. It's a volume thing (do a few hundred of these per day and you're guaranteed at least a dozen subscribers depending on how large your niche is).
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        • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
          Yahoo Answers is not that easy. They don't have a signature like forums do. It's very easy to get banned over there. Make sure to read the rules there first. You will get flagged very easy if you don't follow the rules and start spamming people with your links.

          I go to Yahoo Answers and type in a question that someone within my niche may be looking for (e.g. if they snore, I'll type in "How can I stop snoring", or "How can I get my husband to stop snoring", or something similar). Then, if you have a Yahoo account, you can post answers to these question with a link back to your landing page. Nothing too difficult. It's a volume thing (do a few hundred of these per day and you're guaranteed at least a dozen subscribers depending on how large your niche is).
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          • Profile picture of the author ContentPro22
            Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

            Yahoo Answers is not that easy. They don't have a signature like forums do. It's very easy to get banned over there. Make sure to read the rules there first. You will get flagged very easy if you don't follow the rules and start spamming people with your links.
            Thanks for the tip. I've never had a problem with them in the past, but then again, it's been several years since I've used this strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author fpforum
    Never done much with Google groups..But, yahoo groups are pretty old. Also, there is always tons of spam being sent in Yahoo groups. Honestly, I think you would get a tiny bit of traffic from it, but probably not enough to make it worth spending hours of time on.
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  • Profile picture of the author kk075
    I actually joined a few Google and LinkedIn marketing groups this month and posted my content to those accounts to see what would happen. These stats are guestimates, but they're fairly close-

    Blog 1 got around 20 clicks LinkedIn, 6 clicks Google
    Blog 2 got 50 LinkedIn, 305 Google
    Blog 3, 4 and 5 each got around 60, 10 clicks
    Blog 6 got around 90/20 clicks
    Blog 7 got around 95/30 clicks

    Blog 2 was about the upcoming Panda mobile update, and that's the only one that really took off on Google. However, I learned that Google+ Groups uses your meta title while LinkedIn and Facebook use your regular title, so my meta was a good one there. On the other hand, my LinkedIn clicks continued to grow every time while Google just felt random...but that could be the title issue too since I always make a keyword enriched meta title for the search engines.

    Still though, Google+ outperformed LinkedIn for me in a small test window...but it all came from one post. So I'm going to keep sharing to groups there anyways and I also think it will help in the long run for natural SEO. Some of the experts would disagree with me on that statement though.

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    • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
      Originally Posted by kk075 View Post

      I actually joined a few Google and LinkedIn marketing groups this month and posted my content to those accounts to see what would happen. These stats are guestimates, but they're fairly close-

      Blog 1 got around 20 clicks LinkedIn, 6 clicks Google
      Blog 2 got 50 LinkedIn, 305 Google
      Blog 3, 4 and 5 each got around 60, 10 clicks
      Blog 6 got around 90/20 clicks
      Blog 7 got around 95/30 clicks

      Blog 2 was about the upcoming Panda mobile update, and that's the only one that really took off on Google. However, I learned that Google+ Groups uses your meta title while LinkedIn and Facebook use your regular title, so my meta was a good one there. On the other hand, my LinkedIn clicks continued to grow every time while Google just felt random...but that could be the title issue too since I always make a keyword enriched meta title for the search engines.

      Still though, Google+ outperformed LinkedIn for me in a small test window...but it all came from one post. So I'm going to keep sharing to groups there anyways and I also think it will help in the long run for natural SEO. Some of the experts would disagree with me on that statement though.
      Hey kk075,

      A couple quick questions, if you don't mind.

      Did you post some high quality content to these blogs? Generally speaking? Like native English, not scraped or spun, etc etc?

      Were these your first posts to these groups?

      Did you also post these to your own blog, and if so, are you concerned about the duplicate content?

      Did you just have a link at the bottom of your post?

      Thanks in advance,
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  • Profile picture of the author Xochitl Shat
    With Google Groups, you can manage a mailing list, coordinate with your social club, and find experts who share your interests.
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