Advice from JV guys..

2 replies
Hey everyone, so I really need a bit of advice. Where is the best place to go to find JV partners to run a launch for an already popular advertiser? I need people who are interested in a campaign that costs $197, and will pay 65% on each sale. Also, we are more than willing to run reciprocal traffic from our more than sought after list.

If anyone knows where I would go to introduce my offer (which is a custom build website for $197) to some JV guys, or anyone who would be interested in pushing volume for what I've mentioned above...the advice would be wonderful and greatly appreciated. Thanks!
#advice #guys #jv program #shawn casey
  • Profile picture of the author ProfitMan
    Put it on affiliate sites like and or if u have the money then cpa networks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1015853].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thewizard
    Just explain what your campaign is about and maybe you can find some people here that might be interested in doing JVs with you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1015866].message }}

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