Targeted Sports Betting Traffic

1 replies
Hey guys. Diving into the sports betting niche for the first time. Do any of you guys know anyone or any site with quality and targeted sports betting traffic? If so please post below or send me a private message. Thanks
#betting #sports #targeted #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author icoachu
    You can easily find the top websites in the niche you're targeting by simply entering related keywords into Google.

    I know that sounds quite obvious, but that's the first step in your search.

    The next step is to find the sites that show up and enter them into alexa.

    When you look at the domains on alexa, you will notice that there's a ranking in terms of traffic.

    You can figure out which of the sites you retrieve get quite a bit of traffic.

    Once you've gotten a short list of those sites together, your next step would be to do a backlink check on them.

    Again you need to put their domains into a tool.

    That tool is ahrefs.

    ahrefs is a very powerful backlink checker tool because it shows you which sites are linked to a particular website.

    It also shows you link popularity.

    If a website gets linked to a lot of other websites, you know it's authoritative.

    An example of the power of ahrefs is in the sports betting niche.

    With ahrefs, you can reverse-engineer the toplist players in sports betting.

    However, since sports betting is a very competitive niche, I wish you quite a bit of luck.
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