Have a unique venue for advertising to niche customers (30000 active users) - How to take advantage?

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Hey all,

First post here (although I've been signed up forever now).

I have a Chrome Extension that I created in May of last year. I've slowly built up its userbase to 30,000 (ACTIVE users, NOT downloads - Google reports active users as people who use the extension at least once a week), and then flipped the switch to make it a paid application because I got tired of giving it away for free (although it's still open source so if anyone looks around they'll find it themselves ).

However, this wasn't very consequential. I was making $10/day, pricing the product @ $1 and getting about a 1% conversion rate (I had a 10% conversion when it was free, so 10% of the people that would download it would also pay for it). This was pretty peanuts. Just for fun, I cranked it up to $3.99 last week, and hilariously I'm now making ~$20/day - half the people still buy it for four times the price.

But my question is about another avenue I've built into my application. At around 10,000 users I developed a website for the extension that is basically a blog for relevant information. I hired two writers and made $10-20/month from Ads, so I turned them off because it was so dreadful that I'd rather take the $70/month hosting + writer pay loss than annoy my users with the ads.

Remember, the people who actively use this extension are interested in a specific niche (one specific videogame to be exact - I have 0.1% of the entire playerbase using my extension). What I've done is build in a direct way to market to these users as they're using their computer - whenever I post a new article to the site, the user receives a popup directly on their desktop (Chrome notification - not some annoying webpage ad drivel). If the user is offline, they get a popup when they come online later - all users will get targeted (unless the option is off - this is quietly hidden in the options page and not advertised).

Each article gets a few hundred pageviews for the following view days as the notifications trickle in, and the site as a whole gets 3,000 - 5,000 pageviews daily. I have a product I already sell (the extension itself), but what should I do from here? I've got a direct line to my customers, but how do I go about actually marketing something to them? Clickbank doesn't have anything good and relevant enough. What other venues can I approach?
#active #advantage #advertising #customers #niche #unique #users #venue

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