6 replies

Just wondering how Warriors go about pricing a product?

Some people seem to think that you look at what's already available and price it around that whereas others (Frank Kern springs to mind) seem to think it's just as easy to sell a pricey item as it is to sell a cheap one.

I'm thinking of simply asking the list in a survey what theythink it would be worth - is this a good idea?

I look forward to your thoughts!
#pricing #product
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Bond
    Hi Dave

    Thanks for that. The trouble is that a lot of people on the list share common interests and will be communicating with each other. So split-testing different prices would, I think, make us look unprofessional. Especially as it's a high-end product and price differences could run into hundreds of GBPs
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    • Profile picture of the author Mikedb
      Hi Mark,

      I wouldn.t ask your list.
      You're saying with that that you don't have experienc and you are in doubt.

      Don't sell for a too low amount!
      High price tells the customer that you know what you are doing.


      Software: Never below $97
      Ebook: Never below $47

      Trust me, sold may many items like this. Just try it and tell em how it worked.

      Good luck!


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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Bond
    Thanks Mike, you've kind of confirmed my instincts there.

    But this product is actually (probably!) going out at £997 (GBP)!
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  • Profile picture of the author Pat-Graham
    I've been thinking about the pricing problem for a long time and still don't know what to do. A while back, I sold my first ebook, "Child Drug Addicts - Are you Raising One?" for $47, ignoring the advice of a couple of respected clients and sold exactly one ebook. After a while of not selling another one, I took it down and haven't republished it again, but I am planning on doing it at some point.

    I read all the suggestions here with interest. Still don't really know what to do.
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