Uncommon Marketing Strategy

by chadcf
23 replies
Hello Warriors. In this thread, I wanna discuss about marketing strategy. I want to know what have you tried other then paying Facebook ads. Because maybe I'm idiot, but it's not working. When I mean "Maybe I'm idiot", it really can be.

What I'm Looking For?
I want to know if there are other ways to get visiblity other then Facebook ads / Google ads and sharing blog post. I'm not afraid of paying ads, I did and will do again. Maybe there are no better ways then these one. In this case, what are the best tutorials to learn how to use them?

What I tried?
Since the launch of my website, I tried:
  1. Facebook ads. Did not work.
  2. Writing blog post and sharing them in Facebook groups + reddit
  3. Actually trying Bing ads (lower cost then Google)
  4. Advertising on my Facebook website page (not working)
  5. Instagram (useless)
  6. Reddit ads (actually having a problem with them and they do not answer my message).

How do you sell without looking like selling?
Is this possible? How you do it? The only thing I can share on Facebook private groups are my blog post. How do I sell from a blog post?
#marketing #strategy #uncommon
  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    You don't mention anything about your product(s), service(s), or funnel. It could be any number of reasons why you aren't making sales, not just the advertising method.

    I don't understand the whole "how do you make sales without looking like you're selling". There are a lot of people out there looking to buy products and solutions. You present your offer to those people and sell to them.
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    • Profile picture of the author chadcf
      Originally Posted by Gambino View Post

      I don't understand the whole "how do you make sales without looking like you're selling". There are a lot of people out there looking to buy products and solutions. You present your offer to those people and sell to them.
      I believe Facebook groups are really useful to sell our stuff. If you tried to sell on those groups before, you know that they do not tolerate direct selling. That's why I'm trying to learn how to "make sales without looking like you're selling".

      Originally Posted by Gambino View Post

      You don't mention anything about your product(s), service(s), or funnel. It could be any number of reasons why you aren't making sales, not just the advertising method.
      You are right! I forgot. I'm selling Pug related items. Means Pug t-shirt, pug jewelry, etc. All the pug shit.

      Sale business baby.

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  • Profile picture of the author YoniLive
    Hey chadcf,

    The reason your strategy doesn't work can be anything - a bad niche, a bad product, a bad website, bad pricing, wrong advertising, wrong traffic source, and so on.

    Usually, If you do everything right, then FB ads do the job.
    I would suggest you take a look at everything I listed above (the "reasons"), and try to find the problem - instead of just assuming that the traffic source is the problem.

    However, while you are looking for another traffic source, I would suggest you check out ZeroPark - they have a huge network of domains that they redirect to your site by your chosen keywords, and they are pretty cheap.

    Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author many10s
      In this biz it's easy to jump to the wrong conclusions. Lots or variables that make it very difficult to determine the actual cause and effect. Need someone who has successfully navigated the waters to lead one through the maze of complexities.
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  • Paid advertising is good to screen out prospects that aren't a fit for your product. And you can easily get people in who are highly attracted to your offer. You just have to know what to write. Backed with a good amount of research.

    Bring In More Cash For Your Business With High Caliber Copy

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  • Profile picture of the author davejarvys
    I know you are looking for other methods (and I will come to that in a bit) but don't give up on Facebook adverts just yet. I would say however is test small and build slowly. If an offer isn't profitable after $1000 ad spend there is no reason to think it will be because you spend $10,000.

    There are a lot of variables when you look at selling so it's hard to judge whether it's the message or the medium or some other issue that you are facing.

    I find with fb that it is best to take people from Facebook to a piece of content. At the moment I'm running '10 unusual Christmas gifts for <insert niche>'. It's converting really well as the build up to Christmas starts.

    Other than that press releases are really useful. I should clarify I mean real targeted press releases and not just seo spammy one.

    Assuming your site's well made and you have a compelling offer you still need to make the most of your visitors by getting an opt in and retargetting them.

    Do you have your analytics installed and are you looking for traffic leaks? People wrongly assume that conversation rate is just traffic divided by sales. In truth you have a number of micro conversions that you need to monitor

    Traffic to offer
    Offer to cart
    Cart to check out
    Checkout to payment

    These are all escape routes for customers. Abandoned cart recovery programme are a must in my opinion.

    I'd probably be more inclined to be posting on Pinterest of I was you, it's a more female orientated audience. The visual medium could also help with sales. It's quite easy to find people with similar interests and their ad platform is definitely worth looking at.
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  • Profile picture of the author chadcf
    Thanks davejarvys ! You are right about the traffic control. For the moment, I think I'm trying to go too much fast and missing important points like this one. I'll learn more about the traffic control and its tool.

    There is still a point my niche is making me doubt. It appears to be more saturated then I first thought. I made bad researches at the beginning of my project and it's my mistake. It's a point to consider and it makes me a little bit nervous to spend money in my project.

    Sale business baby.

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Originally Posted by chadcf View Post

    Hello Warriors. In this thread, I wanna discuss about marketing strategy. I want to know what have you tried other then paying Facebook ads. Because maybe I'm idiot, but it's not working. When I mean "Maybe I'm idiot", it really can be.
    OK, so you tried a few strategies that did not work for you.

    Try other strategies or marketing avenues and seek the winners from the losers.

    You can try 20 different marketing channels and nothing works but maybe channel 21 will work and then you can scale with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    You did not mention what you sell/promote.

    You did not mention how you advertised your site (I mean, you said, Facebook... but not how you used it, no details).

    So, how can we give you any advice?

    To give you useful advice, we'd need to know what you did (not the name of the tactic or strategy, but how you actually implemented), what you're selling, and who you targeted (and why)?

    You might be targeting the wrong people (people who never buy online).
    You might be presenting the wrong offer.
    You might be targeting the right people with the right offer but your copy/content sucks.

    More details = better advice. Ball's in your court.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mattj84
    I'm sorry to hear that things are not going as planned First, remember to learn from everything and if it doesn't work, you just found out one more thing to check off that list of things to try. What you can do is try banner or blog marketing. Get some banners made and then contact the owners of Pug related sites to get your banners placed on them. Similar with the blog marketing...contact some blog owners and ask if you can write them a guest blog post that links back to your site.

    I hope that helps and best of luck!

    Moderator's Note: Affiliate sig not allowed. Please edit.

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  • Profile picture of the author chadcf
    Hi guys! Thanks for the answers.

    You are right. I should try other strategy. Do you have any books recommendation or youtube video I can check to learn strategy?

    Also, contacting other blog owner for writing a guest blog post is a good idea too! Thanks for this one. I should also try to target my customer more specifically.

    Sale business baby.

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  • Profile picture of the author shmol
    Have you tried writing or having someone write a press release about your site?
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  • Profile picture of the author cs.marketer
    It's sounds like that although you're trying, it's not really a strategy? Correct me if I am wrong?

    They all look like a great individual tactics but as one off promotions they're not working too well.

    This could be for a number of reasons, some of which are; is your marketing targeted enough? What's your intent with each piece of marketing? What's your readers intent? Do you know where in the buying cycle your users are?

    I'd recommend picking up a book on copywriting - it'll get you inside the head of your customers. Then find a solid marketing resource like DigitalMarketer.com or something similar and go from there
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Originally Posted by chadcf View Post

    Hello Warriors. In this thread, I wanna discuss about marketing strategy. I want to know what have you tried other then paying Facebook ads. Because maybe I'm idiot, but it's not working. When I mean "Maybe I'm idiot", it really can be.

    What I'm Looking For?
    I want to know if there are other ways to get visiblity other then Facebook ads / Google ads and sharing blog post. I'm not afraid of paying ads, I did and will do again. Maybe there are no better ways then these one. In this case, what are the best tutorials to learn how to use them?

    What I tried?
    Since the launch of my website, I tried:
    Originally Posted by chadcf View Post

    1. Facebook ads. Did not work.
    2. Writing blog post and sharing them in Facebook groups + reddit
    3. Actually trying Bing ads (lower cost then Google)
    4. Advertising on my Facebook website page (not working)
    5. Instagram (useless)
    6. Reddit ads (actually having a problem with them and they do not answer my message).

    How do you sell without looking like selling?
    Is this possible? How you do it? The only thing I can share on Facebook private groups are my blog post. How do I sell from a blog post?

    Here is my answer if I may be blunt here.

    You don't think of selling when you got started out.

    You think about how you can help others based on what you know best suits them.

    Truth being said -

    People don't like to be sold.
    Even though they like to buy.

    People buy because they either see a value in what they are going to buy because it helps them to solve a problem or fulfil their desire for themselves or loved ones.

    Many marketers - including myself - just think of wanting to make money when they got started.

    And when they did not make enough or any at all, they keep asking the same question either how do I make money online or how do I get more traffic to my site?

    Which, in my view, are wrong questions.

    The correct questions you should ask are:

    1. Based on what I know and can do, how can I help others?

    2. Who is my target audience?

    3. How do I stand out from other marketers - especially my competitors - in being the person they like and trust?

    Once you got all these answers to those questions and start implementing what you KNOW you should do, things will naturally fall into place.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Try Solo Ads and ask solo vendor to help u write the swipe...

    ...and of course use it to Build a List. Then give valure to the list using your blog posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author dksmith1
    Your website or products or services are not worked, may be design issues, not proper CTA (Call to Action) button on your website, may be the price issues, these issues occurred so that users not liking your product and services what your are offering, if you are starter then wait for orders, you will get if you target on right way, exlore your product and services with great offers, discounts, you will definitely get somthing, continue with paid marketing and organic way.

    All the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author surfer30
    I think There are many reasons in this. if facebook ads doesn't work then why smart bloggers and big companies Use it. you need to ask yourself direct questions. what is wrong with me ?

    Probably your product
    Your Content
    Your Strategy

    Get a mantor and talk with him if you are not getting results
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  • Profile picture of the author sirtiman
    Who is your mentor? I have some info about the mentor selling his method about buying ads with direct to sales page promoting affiliate products, with all the giant income screenshot make the newbies follow his dangerous methods with results like the OP did (not working).
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  • Profile picture of the author chadcf
    Thanks for all your answers. I can't answer to everyone, but I'll do everything you said. I particularly liked the one who was talking about "How can I help other" and I'll think about it a lot. I'm listened to a video yesterday of Brian Tracy and he was saying the same thing. I guess it works.

    Sale business baby.

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  • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
    Its somewhat paradox to ask for "uncommon" and "creative" marketing strategies actually, because these are the ones you have to develop yourself. In general, its about attracting attention. Take the DollarShaveClub for example. Their legendary ad video was neither extremely informative, nor was a "state-of-the-art" video sales letter. They were just putting in entertainment, bizzare scenes and put the product somewhat in the background.

    This doesn't mean that traditional strategies don't work: obviously they work great. But when it comes to creativity and "out-of-the-box" stuff its hard to ask others for techniques.

    Good luck with your business though, I'd just try a lot of different ad channels and marketing strategies (IG influencers, BuySellAds, Ad Networks, Affiliate Marketing etc.)
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  • Profile picture of the author The Leader
    I have been trying Instagram ads but finding the accounts liking my ad appear to be mainly fake looking profiles so have stopped using them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Kirksey
    Keep on keeping on! Keep learning, using new methods! Read online blogs, watch youtube videos, but most importantly - prospect! Pick up the phone and start calling businesses! That will get your name out. And then when your customers are happy - you'll be getting their friends as well
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Bridgen
    The question "how do you make sales without looking like you're selling

    The answer is easy I do it all the time Think like a customer not as a seller. Find the problem solve the problem and say This is how this problem was solved here is the link take a look Or make a video of you using that product and offer to help if needed to use the product if you decide to purchase

    Not go here and purchase the answer. Robert
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