Looking for a script that connects businesses with clients - Do you know of 1?

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I was looking for a script that connects businesses with clients that I can use for a specific targeted service.

I've seen clones of that 99 designs, but that isn't quite what I wanted or needed. I am looking for something similar, but it also has to be customizable too. Fo rinstance, the 99 designs's script is specifically designed for logos and graphics, and to connect artists with people in need of those graphics. It runs by displaying contests for each project.

I need a script that can be changed to run projects (maybe contests) where the buyer will be the only person to see what each person posted.

And no, I'm not looking for a free lance script per-se. I need one that is simple. I am only offering a way to connect a specific group of buyers and sellers.

Can anyone recommend a simple script that will do this?

Or would I have to outsource it?

Thanks, and all the best ...

#businesses #clients #connects #script

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