Video - Video - Video

by voiceofreason Banned
6 replies
I need a nice video player for my Wordpress Blog. But what I want, is a player that shows a playlist of other videos, simlar to what you see on this link:

Product Tour - Marketing Automation Software

Note: I don't need it to look just like this obviously, but I do want to have the ability to offer multiple clips, and perhaps even a lead capture form as he does here. Any ideas? (I already have a player like this for Joomla, but cannot seem to find one for Wordpress?)

  • Profile picture of the author voiceofreason
    No good players out there? I'm done with using Camtasia, as the load times are pretty bad, and I've seen that there are superior alternatives. (More flexible/usable playlists)
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  • That seems to be the way things are going today. It's not enough that we have the Internet with information right at our fingertips. Now people don't even want to read. I will be looking into it as well because like I said. That's where the next hot websites are going.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    My own Trigger Players software:

    FLV Video Player - FLV Video Hot Spots - FLV Player Triggers

    It has a multi track player that you can put a play list in and it can trigger changes in your webpage even to display a form.
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  • Profile picture of the author georgeslater
    Hi I use a number if products to do similar. Web Video Zone is the easiest. It has a monthly fee and is great is you do not want to learn very much and get some stuff out there quick. It also works on Ebay, if you look up Infusionsoft on Ebay you will find me there with the Video "Juke Box".

    I also use Josh Anderson's stuff which if you spend a little time doing the training on ROCKS. He save me and a client about $8,000 plus once on one little $29 Video Series he did. That video is still getting me new clients. seach for beauty salon marketing dot com.

    Josh's stuff will do much much mcuh more than that and Web Video Zone for a very small cost if you do the training.

    I also use Camtasia when I do training video and then use the Theater (I think that is it) to build the Jukebox effect down the side. I mostly burn that to video but have put it up online once or twice. Works well and is very light.

    The other service I use is Traffic Gyser they do not do the Juke Box thing but there new sign up page service and the Web 2.0 thing is definately worth giving there services a month trial for, if even only to get the object code off them to play non ad, high quality Youtube vids.

    Hope that helps.
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