How to add Meta tags to verify blog?

4 replies
Hey Warriors!

I am trying to increase traffic to my blog so I am doing a few things, such as adding my blog to Yahoo Site Explorer and Google Webmaster Tools. In order to do this, they are asking to verify my blog by placing a Meta tag into the home page. This is where I am hitting a road block. I am using Word Press 2.8. I don't see where to add this meta tag. Can anyone explain this to me?

thank you!!!!
#add #blog #meta #tags #verify
  • Profile picture of the author tommygunn
    In the template files. In the admin section of your wordpress install, go to Appearance > Editor > Header (on the right).
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  • Profile picture of the author Abledragon
    If you're not comfortable fiddling around with your templates you can also upload an HTML file with the same name as the code they give you - e.g. 34nmh4445gghtt.html

    Paste the code they give you into a new HTML file, give the file the same name but add the extension (.html)

    Upload it to your blog's root folder, select 'HTML file' from the drop down in the verify screen and click the 'Verify' button.


    WealthyDragon - Earning My Living Online
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  • Profile picture of the author MrLewisSmile
    I recommend using the other option they give you, as Martin described. It's a lot less fuss than having to add meta tags!
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    • Profile picture of the author mannex
      Yes, the second option is easier.

      I believe I just opened up Notepad, and saved the google code with the correct file extension. No html editing software required.

      Then, upload it with an FTP program such as WS_FTP or Filezilla. It probably needs to go in your public_html folder on the server.
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