Offline Client needs a Creative Commercial, Please Help

3 replies
Hello, I don't focus heavily on offline..however I do have several clients and one of my clients owns a Credit Repair Company.

I told him I could do a Video package that would include a commercial placed on the top video sites and what not.

I can make a Basic commercial with the standard: Who We Are, What We Do, Testimonials..

but I was wondering of a good way to make this creative so it's not so bland.. or boring.

#client #commercial #creative #offline
  • Profile picture of the author AmyBrown
    Credit repair clients are typically looking to improve their credit so they can buy a house or car. The commercials basically show this is what you have, this is what you want, and imply that if you buy their product or service you'll be able to have what you want.

    Images could include an apartment for rent sign to a home sold sign, clunker car to sports car etc. It can be a sketchy industry and I'd be extremely cautious about making any claims.
    "Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast."
    Tom Peters

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Another approach I've seen is somewhat similar. It shows the poor victim of bad credit going from store to bank to wherever, leaving a string of 'credit denied' signs behind them. Then they find the loan company. Next scene is a beaming person gazing at the big red 'Approved' stamp on the loan application.

    Maybe you could adapt that...
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  • Profile picture of the author xDennis
    Interesting Approaches guys, I will see about implementing these ideas.

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