Best Method to find Ghostwriters (for Amazon KDP)

by MrLooq
2 replies
Hi All!

Looking for decent ghostwriters for both fiction and non-fiction. Would want to do something short 10-20K words as a first (test) project.

Anyone w/ real experience finding and working w/ ghostwriters? If so, hoping to know where to connect, the estimated costs and how long takes to actually find a good one. If you have any time/money saving advice...would greatly appreciat that!

#amazon #find #ghostwriters #kdp #method
  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    Hi Harrison,

    There are many qualified ghostwriters here on the WF at a wide range of skills and prices. I am one of them which is why I didn't answer sooner. But since no one else has jumped in I'll put in my dollar and a half of wisdom

    I would suggest hiring for a small project of 5,000 words to see if you like their style of writing.

    If you've already done research on non-fiction projects be sure and give it to the writer when they start work. This can save them time and the project can be complete quicker. If the research is good and in some sort of order, of course. I have been given stacks of incongruent rubbish that slowed my work down.

    Also, be as clear as possible as to what you want (and don't want) in your book. This will eliminate the need for a lot of revisions due to misunderstanding.

    On longer projects, you might want to ask to see three chapters at a time as they are completed. This keeps a project from going off track and you not knowing until the end.

    Always get the Table of Contents in advance.

    Someone will probably jump on this thread and tell you to get a bunch of articles, paste them together, and call it a book. This usually results in a disjointed project that appears to the reader that you -- got a bunch of articles and pasted them together. Respect your reader and don't do that to them.

    If you want a book that draws the reader in and continues to interest them until the end -- then hire someone experienced in writing books and not just blog posts or articles.

    Good luck,
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Hey Harrison

    Here the 5 key tips to finding the right KINDLE book writer I've gleaned from my years of experience as both a Kindle publisher and professional ghostwriter.

    Tip #1 Look for a writer who has already written books in your target genres or niches. A little bit of experience goes a long way

    Tip #2 Select a writer who can write your book in such a way that you get a LOT MORE REVIEWS. Experienced Kindle publishers get reviews through LAUNCH MARKETING (this is crucial since KDP is extremely competitive now!) Your writer must fully support you in your quest to book REAL ORGANIC REVIEWS before you publish on Kindle.

    Tip #3 Do NOT (I repeat DO NOT) hire a writer unless you already have a FIXED topic, keyword targets, and categories. If you don't know what these are, please take the time to RESEARCH them. Kindle is a SEARCH ENGINE masquerading as a bookstore. Screw this up and you won't make any money. At the very least, HIRE a writer who can help you with these.

    Tip #4 Do not hire a writer who doesn't know how to write a TOC that pulls in the reader - TOC items shouldn't just list out your chapters - use them to build DESIRE in the mind of the SNEAK PEEK reader. This is non-negotiable. Don't waste this precious Kindle book real estate.

    Tip #5: Do not hire a writer who can't create an AUTHOR PLATFORM for you. If you don't know what that is, please research it. It can save your financial life.

    The bottom line: While quite a number of people can scribble in English, very few know how to WRITE WHAT SELLS.
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