PLR/MRR Membership Site?

8 replies

I have accumulated over 4 gigs of PLR/MRR products which are sitting in my hard drive doing nothing as there is no way I could ever read them all and was thinking of setting up a membership site for them.

The majority of products are what I have downloaded from JV/Giveaways over the past few months.

I was thinking of making it a free site and just have OTO's and build a list or maybe have a free section where they can access a certain number of products and an upgrade section where they will have access to more products and any new ones that I get.

I know there are many sites for this and am wondering if its even worth the time n effort.

Is it worth the effort and if so which direction should I take? Is this an over saturated area and not worth looking into?

As always thanks for your input.

#membership #plr or mrr #site
  • Profile picture of the author Kevingators
    I think it is a good idea. If you change the graphics on some of the PLR's and content, then offer a free report of about 5-6 pages that you write about the topic and offer the repackaged PLR product as a OTO. It will be original and can monetized.

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  • Profile picture of the author peterjames
    Yes, create a free membership site that allow members to access those MRR/PLR products. This way, you can build your own list easily.

    If you have a good product in One Time Offer, then you might get some JV Partners to promote your membership site. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
    Ok it looks like I will be taking your advice and try my hand at a membership site for all the PLR/MMR products I have accumalted.

    Now for a name :-)

    I have come up with these


    Which one do you like or any suggestions...

    I am leaning towards PLRNUGGETS or PLRMEMBERSHIPCLUB.

    What do you think?


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  • Profile picture of the author sahi
    PLRNUGGETS.COM sounds great.

    Get your Brand mentions/Interviews in top magazines around the US & UK like Forbes, Harvard EDU, American Express, INC, Entrepreneur, LA weekly, and many more
    Email Me for more details and share your requirements.

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    • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
      Well I will be damn. I was away from my computer since I had to run some errands and just was able to go online to purchase plrnuggets and low and behold its gone. Hummmm

      I see that some times it does not pay to ask for advice as then your idea(s) are ripped off. Hope Mr. S. Brown and Mr. Supplee ejoys it....

      Oh well teaches me a lesson or too.


      P.S. Interesting how the two sites I liked were taken right after my posting.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMcruiser
    This whole "continuity" business may at first glances be somewhat worn out but there is really a huge opportunity and potential for someone who wants to do it as a long term project. Too many developers get out when they have made their initial money (occasionally relaunching) and this is having a dettrimental effect on it. The market is certainly there for someone that wants to take it to the next stage.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Sullivan
    It's a membership model that has been done time and time again, every Tom, Dick and Harry is running a site selling or offering free/paid PLR/MRR products via a membership scheme.

    The questions you need to ask yourself are these:

    What sets me apart from the competition?

    What is my unique selling point?

    AND more importantly, to make it any success and worth all the effort you are going to put in:

    How am i going to BEAT my competition?

    Google PLR membership or MRR membership and you'll see hundreds, if not thousands of these types of sites...

    If you are going to go down that road, go find yourself some good resources and read up on some typical membership models.

    Oh, and be careful posting potential domains...they sometimes get eaten up!

    Like for instance, i've just checked that the domain name is available at the moment...for how long who knows..?

    My suggestion would be to go grab a script like RAP, and sell these as special deals, offering 100% commissions to your buyers as a bonus, something like Dirk Wagner does on his site

    Good luck with it!
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  • Profile picture of the author ddistco
    Hi john sorry to see that your domain were taken here from the forum. That is unfortunate that you did the research and and someone else benefited for your time and hard work. I hope that never happens to you again. I know I would not be happy.

    I agree with JAy Sullivan in that you need to separate yourself from everyone else in your niche membership site. I mean you absolutely have to! I think that thinking of a unique selling proposition where you offer something different something that compliments your membership that yous potential customers cannot get from someone else's website. IF you can come up with a combination of products/services that can compliment each other I think you will be in a different. Take the time to be creative and strategic in your business paln for the site. Good luck and stay focused. Focus is a challenge for me and other internet marketers here on the forum from what I'm reading.

    Hope to chat soon,
    Mark Coble
    Skype: mark.coble
    Local Search Marketing Services
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