Selling on Amazon. Need HELP!

1 replies
I want to sell my info product on the US Amazon Marketplace but here's the problem: I'm Canadian and Amazon doesn't want me to create an account with my Canadian information.

This is the email I got from Amazon:
"At this time, only sellers with a U.S. checking account, a credit card with a U.S. billing address, and a U.S. phone number are eligible to apply for Marketplace Payments by Amazon.


I would encourage you to explore the options available to you in order to establish these requirements. We do have international sellers who have established U.S. checking accounts and U.S. billing addresses, enabling them to receive payment via Marketplace Payments, and who are currently enjoying the benefits of this service."

I'm Canadian so how can I get a:
- U.S Checking Account
- U.S Billing Address
- U.S Phone Number
#amazon #selling
  • Profile picture of the author dholowiski
    I have a couple of US accounts for buying stuff (I'm canadian too) that's only available in the US and it's not too tough if you are within driving distance of the U.S., but selling is different... believe me you do not want to get on the wrong side of the IRS and the CRA, which _selling_ while fraudulently representing yourself as an American most certainly will.

    *U.S. Phone number - sign up for google voice, while you are in the U.S. or get a us Vonage number, or Broadvoice, or other VOIP number. Also, a skype in (phone#) only costs a few $ a month.

    *U.S. billing address - do you have relatives or friends living in the U.S.? If not you can surely set something up with someone here. You can get a P.O. box from any shipping store in the U.S. but many services won't let you use a po box.

    *U.S. checking account - this is pretty tough, without breaking the law, but if you're persistent, and don't mind visiting some U.S. banks in person (and being a bit pushy) you can get one. If all you need is a credit card you can get a prepaid visa card at any U.S. grocery store.

    I'm thinking that one way to do it might be to open a U.S. LLC (Corporation). If somebody has a eBook on how a Canadian can open a U.S. LLC I would gladly pay $ for it!

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