How to add value as an affiliate.

by PsiCat
5 replies
Hi everyone,

I've been enjoying my first journey into affiliate marketing, and I've picked a product from clickbank in my area of specialty to promote.

I've got a page that educates the reader: Binaural Beats for fast Psychic Development, (I know a lot of you hate the color scheme, but it converts at the same rate as the traditional white background/black text version, and this color scheme matches the rest of my site)

I get about 10% of my traffic signing up for my news letter, but only enough conversions to just slightly come out ahead of my advertising costs.

I'd like to "sweeten the deal" for a prospective customer by giving him free bonueses if he purchases through my site, but I don't know how to do that.

Does anyone know how I can set up a (preferably automated) system so that I can send someone a "Reward" for buying the product through my site?

(Also, other suggestions for the my landing page would be appreciated.)

#add #affiliate
  • Profile picture of the author theunknownthem
    I'd go with a slightly darker blue on the border at least to help ease the eyes, otherwise I like the color scheme. Then again I always set my ebooks to black or dark grey back ground with white text to make it easier on the eyes.

    If you are working on a list, give out a small sample there.

    I have seen affiliates say email me after your purchase with your order information and I'll email you bonuses in 24 hrs. When they see the order has cleared and they get the money, they then send the bonuses to the persons email. They also have the instructions to clearly listed that the person needs to clear all cookies prior to clicking their link, and they must use their affiliate link.

    Hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Dalton
    I would say that a killer video would tear you conversion up, videos arn't easy but check andy jenkins new video boss, at Video GETS MORE Money than ANYTHING (sp) he has two videos up already and there are a further two to come. plus buy in some plr master reseller products to give away for free.
    Check out how micheal rasmussen makes videos, you can see his vids on you tube or take a look at this link and he offers you the world for a small investment. make the offer irresistable to buyers and time sensitive. Fear of loss is a massive pulling tool.

    For great hosting packages, visit

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    • Profile picture of the author PsiCat
      Thanks Guys,

      I do plan on getting into video at some point soon, but getting back to the part about offering extra rewards to encourage sales of someone elses clickbank product...

      Does anyone have any other ideas? If someone sent me a clickbank receipt I'm not even sure I would know how to verify it was my sale.

      Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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      • Profile picture of the author Marian
        I noticed the product is sold at ClickBank... so your best choice is using something like "CB list automator" or similar - which adds your bonuses quite easily! When someone buys thorugh your link - the script is setup to make ClickBank send the email with your bonuses to the customer on autopilot.

        I hope it helps.

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        • Profile picture of the author PsiCat
          Thank you, Marian.

          That is *Exactly* what I was looking for!
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