Ezine Articles TOS question

8 replies
Hello everyone. I know I'm being a bit slow but I'm not sure I understand EZA TOS #9.

You declare that you will not send in any articles with direct affiliate links in them. We reject articles with direct affiliate links. It is ok, however, forward/redirect to an affiliate link from the top-level of a domain name you own. For example, it is permissible to forward to an affiliate link from:


...but it would not be permissable to forward to an affiliate link from:


This is one of our many article quality standards.
I understand the bit about no direct affiliate links in the article. It is the bit about 'forward/redirect to an affiliate link' I don't get. My questions are:

(1) Is this referring to having a link in your article that takes a visitor to your website who is then automatically taken to website of the business you are affiliated with? If so, why do EZ care if it is yourwebsite.com or yourwebsite.com/page.htm

(2) If I own a website about looking after cats (called catcare.com) and I submit an article to EZ about the pros and cons of medicated catfood (and I have a page catcare.com/medicated-catfood.htm with more information and affiliate adverts for a catfood company) can I link the article to catcare.com/medicated-catfood.htm or am I only allowed to link to catfood.com?

Your help appreciated
#articles #ezine #question #tos
  • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
    Yes, you are only allowed to link to the catfood.com home page, unfortunately. I'm not sure anyone will be able to tell you why the rule is like that but I'm thinking that it is easier for them to tell who's breaking the rules.

    You are correct with the number #1 - it is when you redirect from your home page to the affiliate page.

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  • Profile picture of the author DougBarger
    Yep. What Tina said.

    "Top level domain".

    That means any folder or directory after the extension such as yourlink.com/folder
    wouldn't work.

    yourlink.com is the top level.

    any sub-directory would be "sub level" (as opposed to top level) "sub-folder" or in other words "below the top level".
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Here's what you do, because I have quite a few links that "technically"
      break EZA's TOS.

      You write to EZA and send them the link. You explain that the page is your
      own site and is not a redirect and you are not promoting an affiliate program.

      In other words, the following would be acceptable.

      Squeeze Page


      Blog Article


      Sales Page


      As long as these are your own sites and not redirects to an affiliate
      product, you are fine.

      Yes, you will get the occasional new editor who won't look in your file
      of approved URLs and reject your article, and yes, it's a pain when you
      have to write to them telling them that the URL has been approved, but
      it is how you get around this problem.

      But no, they will not allow you to use a redirect to an affiliate sales page
      unless it is in this form.


      Why? I have no idea. Doesn't matter. That's their rules and you need to
      adhere to them.

      Hope this helps.
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      • Profile picture of the author shaunjamie2005
        Thank you for clearing that up Steven.

        I haven't used EZA in a while and was hoping they didn't change their TOS to only allow top level domains for a blogs and sales pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing

    the best way to do it is to have a nice review on your blog and then send people there from your ezine articles.

    Then within the blog post you can have the affiliate link.

    You could have a 250 word article on ezinearticles.com and then the full 500 word on your blog.

    kind regards

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  • Profile picture of the author imageworx
    Does anyone know if you can use a "descriptor" in your link Like "www.youdomain.com?MO12 " for example for tracking purposes. Does anyone have any actual experience using a link like this in Ezine?
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