Do you really "enjoy" what you do?

6 replies
Hi friends,

I really enjoy spending my time in this forum because I learned a lot from here.All most all threads here are related to Internet marketing and make money online.

Let us discuss about something that is essential in any success: passion

How many of you really enjoy each and every aspect of Internet marketing?

How many of you really wake up in the morning and say "wow, I am going to build my landing page" or "wow, I am going to build 25 backlinks to my website"

I am passionate about some aspects and not at all passionate about some other aspects(like link building, article writing etc)

I believe that outsourcing works that we are not passionate about is crucial to lead a healthy and peaceful life in this online world

Unfortunately, most people lead an unhappy online life as if they are an unhappy employee in the real world.

I strongly believe that bringing passion towards what we do must be given supreme importance in order to enjoy the true beauty of this online world.

Please share your thoughts

  • Profile picture of the author dsprank
    While I do not always love what I do, I love the fact that I have more time with my family. While I am typing this I am watching my kids play in the back yard, something that I was never able to do before, especially when used I sold cars, worked 12 hour days.

    Before i sold cars, I was a nurses aide. That was a miserable job working in the nursing home. i never liked it, which is why I tried sales.

    Thinking back on what I used to have to put up with, I do not mind at all what I have to do to provide for my family.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I enjoy what I do. Every minute? No, I am not an enlightened being who can let go of feelings at a moment's notice. I can say that I enjoy virtually every aspect of my work because I see the benefit in it. If you "hate" or dislike certain things, why are you doing them? To improve yourself or your business or to torture yourself. Step up to the plate and make the of so unpopular decision to change your perspective.

    Passion precedes greatness. People who live and breathe their work and enjoy the process become world changers.

    Ryan Biddulph
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author NicoleBeckett
    I truly enjoy what I do.

    I get to work on something new every day (which was my favorite part of TV news, but now, I don't have to work like a slave on every holiday, birthday, at all hours, day and night!). Every new customer brings a new topic, a new challenge.

    I love the fact that I get to help people develop/grow their businesses. I like being able to put their passion into words, or to come up with content that will help their passion turn into success.

    I also enjoy the "race" of SEO - only 1 person can be #1 (guess that goes back to the ratings wars of my TV days, too!)

    An added plus?? I don't have to work in a cubby with an obnoxious boss watching my every move. I can set my own hours and have some freedom
    Sick of blending in with the crowd? Ready to stand ahead of the pack? The right content writing services can get you there...
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  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    I always enjoy internet marketing because it's like i enter a new world where I can learn something new everyday. ^_^
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
    Hell yes! I love this work.

    Keeps me on my toes, I set my own hours, I have plenty of cash, lots of time freedom, and thinking up schemes to sell stuff is fun!

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  • Profile picture of the author NikkiS
    Absolutely love it! Every day I learn a new skill, have at least 1 "aha" moment and just can't wait to see the results of whatever the latest thing I've implemented.

    It's snail's pace at this stage, and I am sure the experienced people do the things I get excited about with their eyes shut, but I'm loving the process itself so much.

    Learning all the time WILL lead to earning all the time. I'm passionately confident about that.
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