Personalized Profiles

8 replies
The Warrior Forum is a respectable IM forum,
so what is the reason for the majority of the
members here not presenting them selves with
their real names and a photo (of them selves)?
I can´t see why (as you see looking at my profile,
and no it´s not about being narcissistic)

#personalized #profiles
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Hi Pat,

    Here's my guesses:

    1) They don't know how and are afraid to ask.

    2) They know how but are too self-conscious of their appearance.

    3) They have legitimate reasons for protecting their personal safety (such as victims of stalking).

    4) They prefer to market themselves by WHAT they say in the conversations that go on here.

    That being said, I don't entirely agree with your premise. I believe that most of the real participants here do use their real name and/or picture. There are alot of anonymous people here, too, but many of them aren't quite as active.

    That doesn't make either type of member better or worse than the other, just sharing my opinion based on my observations.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      Hi Pat,

      Here's my guesses:

      1) They don't know how and are afraid to ask.

      2) They know how but are too self-conscious of their appearance.

      3) They have legitimate reasons for protecting their personal safety (such as victims of stalking).

      4) They prefer to market themselves by WHAT they say in the conversations that go on here.

      That being said, I don't entirely agree with your premise. I believe that most of the real participants here do use their real name and/or picture. There are alot of anonymous people here, too, but many of them aren't quite as active.

      That doesn't make either type of member better or worse than the other, just sharing my opinion based on my observations.

      All the best,
      5) They are trying to scam people into somthing, and are not showing their real name, but a fake pen name that they are hiding behind.

      I have seen this many times, and im sure some of you have too.
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  • Profile picture of the author LondonPaladin
    A lot of people join the forum BEFORE they are successful. Also I for one am way well more known by my nickname. I have been using it on tons of forums for years. So when I signed up I was just used to it.

    And maybe some people don't want their boss to google their name and then fire them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    Very good question.

    While I do understand the need for anonymity during certain occasions (I've had to do it myself in the past) It is a really big majority here who is just un-trusting of putting their real names and faces out there.

    I've already splatted video of myself about, so not much more to hide at this point.

    But I have to wonder how many people realize that once they put their picture up on facebook that they are now susceptible to image recognition programs used by the government. If a friend puts your picture up, and tags it, you are in.

    The internet is big brother.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Fairwar
    Hello Pat
    I think the reason why most people don't use their real name as user and photo because
    they aren't confident about their appearance. Also I often make my username on every site almost the same. It just easier to remember, of course since I have to remember the password for every site. It just nice to have less thing to remember. First, they signed up for the website without knowing that it is trustworthy to put real name or not. Maybe they are just lazy and don't know how to do it at the same. Another thing, a lot of forum say not to put your real name or such as username or so I hear before. Well, that's all I could think of right now.
    As I am one of those people that you are wondering about :
    It is more fun to use a nickname for me. I don't really wants people to know how ugly I am on the internet. People see it outside is enough and unavoidable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Lucas
    For the most part, I believe people simply don't want to broadcast themselves around the internet. No one wants strangers looking into their personal lives.
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  • Profile picture of the author mainstreetcm
    I didn't use my real name because "mainstreetcm" is my internet handle. I use it for many message boards that I frequent. The picture is really of me though. Even if I did post a name it would be my pen name as no one has ever been able to pronounce my true last name.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Don't know about other folks but I don't use my full name
    and a photo because:

    1) I don't really need to. I prefer to use my companies names
    instead of my name.

    2) I don't like to upload pictures of myself online. I hate

    That's pretty much it.
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