Question about Photo Copyrights

4 replies

1. I know its wrong to directly steal and use a picture file that is copyrighted on another website.

2. I know its okay to take pictures myself of similar objects to recreate similar images.

QUESTION: Is it okay for me to open up a book or magazine and take a picture of something (maybe a copyrighted picture) in the book or magazine, and then use that picture (that I took with my camera) for my own purposes, such as on my website?
#copyrights #photo #question
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    Originally Posted by psubold View Post


    1. I know its wrong to directly steal and use a picture file that is copyrighted on another website.

    2. I know its okay to take pictures myself of similar objects to recreate similar images.

    QUESTION: Is it okay for me to open up a book or magazine and take a picture of something (maybe a copyrighted picture) in the book or magazine, and then use that picture (that I took with my camera) for my own purposes, such as on my website?
    In a word: no. There are some instances where it MIGHT be allowed, but in the vast majority of cases this wouldn't be acceptable as you describe it.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacktackett
    psubold - IANAL but no - if you look in the front of the book I'm sure you'll find its copyright notice. If the photos or images themselves were licensed (hint!) then some where you'll find a list of credits for them. There are several sites with photos under the creative commons license (usually free to use) and also some inexpensive sites like iStock.
    When in doubt its best to ask the copyright holder or a lawyer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Could you photocopy the words in a book to get around the copyright?


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  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    If it does not belong to you - you may not re-create it in any shape, form or fashion.

    If you want a picture of something, go take it yourself. Either that, or buy a license to use the image.
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