Article Spinning Question

by JMac
7 replies
I am a bit confused about article spinning. Do you create an article for Ezine, get it approved and then spin it and submit the spinned version to Ezine again a bit later to try and get a few articles ranked pointing to your site? Or is it that I submit and article to Ezine, get it approved and then submit the spun copies to other article sites?

#article #question #spinning
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    For what you described above you don't really need any spinning. You can submit the same article.

    And see this thread about the "fun" of spinning:

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  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan

    If what you mean by spinning refers to using automated software to "spin" your articles, for me personally--I wouldn't touch that option. It's also a good way to get your account at EzineArticles locked or deleted. In fact, if you even submit an article there with the phrase "article spinning" in it, it won't get approved and you'll probably get a warning.

    In fact, if you submit an article there that even mentions article spinning, auto-article posting, or buying traffic you jeopardize your account and that's the way it should be in my opinion. That stuff just clogs the Internet with tripe.

    On the other hand, if you were to take one of your existing articles and take some key points and write a new article using those points as a skeleton for your new article, in my opinion that's a ethically acceptable process.

    There are many that disagree with what I said, and, indeed, they submit thousands of bottom-of-the-barrel-scraping articles that pollute the integrity of the directories they populate.

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    • Profile picture of the author JMac
      Thanks for the replies. I guess I just dont understand how a spinned article is used. Is it just so you can submit the same article to different directories?

      I do see what you guys are referring to when you think about spinning and how bad it can be. I was thinking more along the lines of spinning it myself but I just dont know the purpose of why I would want to do that.

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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Marshall
        There are two schools of thoughts when it comes to submitting your articles to other directories.

        If you are just trying to build backlinks to your article at Ezinearticles, then you can submit the exact same article to other article directories.

        If you want the articles in other directories to rank in the search engines, you would want to change the articles before you post it in a second directory. You could spin the sentences, or change the keywords, or change the first and last paragraph, etc.

        Also, it is much better to submit your articles to your own site first, and then submit it to the article directories including Ezinearticles.

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        • Profile picture of the author fuzzynono
          I have a pretty good amount of experience with spinning. What I do is create an article in spinner notation, so that if 16 copies were created they are all about 40-50% unique from eachother. To get to this percentage you need to do quite a bit of nested spinning, and it does take quite some time. Then I submit the article to all of the major article directories, making sure to spin it before each submission. This method has some controversy around it, but I believe it to be pretty effective, much more so that just submitting the exact same article to multiple directories.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by J-Mac View Post

        Is it just so you can submit the same article to different directories?
        It's for people who don't quite appreciate the difference between "duplicate content" and "syndicated content" and mistakenly imagine that if they submit the identical article to multiple places, then their own website, linked to in the articles' resource-boxes, will somehow become subject to pestilence and plague.

        Well, mostly it's that.
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    I think generally people use spun articles to submit different versions to different article directories. You could probably get away with submitting spun versions of the same article to some directories, but I bet Ezinearticles would not be one of them. Too risky if you value your account.

    On the other hand, if you were to take one of your existing articles and take some key points and write a new article using those points as a skeleton for your new article, in my opinion that's a ethically acceptable process.
    Now, you could take this advice to an automated level. Create a bunch of key points (hundreds if you can) and then spin your article so that it is pulling 7 or 8 if them at at time in. Write a new opening and closing paragraph for each and you have zillions of fresh different articles for a lot less work than writing a whole new one.

    Gone Fishing
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