[JUST RELEASED] The Web Is Dead!

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I was half paying attention to the TV (Reliable Sources - CNN) while working on my latest project and heard the anchor refer to Wired.com (Wired Magazine) article, "The Web Is Dead!"


This is Wired Magazine saying this! Hold up... I need to pay attention to this...

So, I immediately open up a new browser tab and type in --> wired.com

At that moment, right on the front page was a reference to a debate about the article. Well, of course a debate is going to ensue.. you can't just say "The Web Is Dead" and not expect some backlash...


The real article title was "The Web Is Dead - Long Live The Internet"... which changes the dynamics considerably. That, I tend to agree with... to a certain extent.... but, as an Internet Marketer (slash) Internet Entrepreneur.. it scares the hell outta me, (kinda).

Well, because it changes the whole infrastructure of how WE do business. If the Consumer isn't consuming the WEB; (which is where WE're at pushing our wares); then WHAT are they consuming? The Internet via apps?

OK, ok.. so I'm not really "scared".. but it does make me rethink a lot of things. Especially the positioning of my business model(s).

One of the major reasons behind that is something else I learned about, today.... Google TV; (and there's already an actual television unit on the market for sale).

So... what do YOU think about all this?

#dead #released #web

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