Split long article or not?

2 replies
what do you guys usually do if you have an article that is 900 to 2500 words long?
do you guys split it into two parts or leave it like that?
how does it impact SEO (splitting or not splitting)?
what are the things to consider?

i have articles like this and i don't really know which is the better option. the articles will be posted on my website. also, do you guys do the same thing when submitting that kind of articles on articles directory?

would like to hear your opinions
#article #long #split
  • Profile picture of the author Ben Holmes
    I look at it this way - the longer the article the more long-tail keywords that webpage will rank for. And the more phrases you rank for, the more traffic you'll get.

    Obviously, the problem is that you also want to retain a visitor - if he sees 'War And Peace' on a single webpage, he's probably out of there faster than a speeding bullet.

    An authority site that I have (it's a hobby type site) I review books... and what I did was scan in the index, forward, intro, and the inside front cover, and back of the book... along with about 2-3 paragraphs of my own review on the book. So each review has a lot of text... and it's downright scary sometimes what I get traffic for. (phrases completely unrelated!) But that site taught me that the more content, the more I rank for a wide multitude of related (yes, and unrelated...) terms.

    I think 1,000 words are entirely manageable, and if the topic were interesting, and well written, I know I've read pages that are in the vicinity of 2,500 words.

    So my vote is to keep the article together...
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    • Profile picture of the author alphaxyz
      thanks for the insight, Khadaji.
      interesting point of view indeed.

      i dwell in the make money niche so obviously people would want to read it (i think)
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