Who Is This Willie Crawford Guy, Anyway?

by Zanti
9 replies
I'm finding it somewhat interesting that after starting and posting in several threads that many don't know who Willie Crawford is.

It's somewhat humorous to see others comment about how awful some of the big names in IM are, how they don't care about customers and they're only out to ripoff the unsuspecting, that I see in some of Willie's threads and posts here.

Guys, do your homework. One of the ways that I've found to learn about this internet marketing environment that so many are trying to understand and profit from, is to search out who has succeeded in it and who engages with their customers and others in the right way.

One of the names that will be at the top of the list is Willie Crawford. Another name that will come up is Stephen Pierce, although Mr. Pierce seldom if ever post here that I'm aware of.

I'm not going to go into who Willie Crawford is, but I tend to see him in the same way as the old E.F. Hutton commercial, when Willie talks I listen. Not to say that Willie is old, since he only has me by a couple of years.

This isn't a show Willie some love, kind of post either, like "Give Little Richard an award type of thing, some of the old timers will get that " but I've always been impressed when he comes here and shares from his heart what he knows and how things work from his perspective.

One of my favorite authors/motivational speakers, is a guy by the name of Dennis Kimbro, who I've had the pleasure to meet and talk with on a couple of occasions, said this, " What makes the great, great... Read".

If you want a great WSO, one that will help you to understand what this IM stuff is all about, read what Mr. Crawford has been saying in his threads and posts. And he's doing it with no cost to anyone other than to read and engage with him.

I'm not an affiliate of Willie's (although I should be ) and I'm not trying to promote him, he's a master of that himself. What I'm really trying to share is that for a lot of you who are new to IM there is much learn from Mr. Crawford.

Thanks Willie and please keep sharing your thoughts with us.

Brian (Z)
#crawford #guy #willie
  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

    and I'm not trying to promote him, he's a master of that himself.


    Thanks Brian


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  • Profile picture of the author Linda_C
    Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

    It's somewhat humorous to see others comment about how awful some of the big names in IM are, how they don't care about customers and they're only out to ripoff the unsuspecting, that I see in some of Willie's threads and posts here.
    Some of the "big names" are awful... BUT... some of the new ones are pretty awful, too. Being good or awful doesn't have much to do with how long anyone's been around, that's for sure.

    Willie is cool. Agreed. I've been kicking around this old Interweb almost as long as he has (since '95 for me) - I stop to read and appreciate when he posts, because he posts with thoughtfulness.

    I can think back to a handful of people that used to hang out on the old Tony Blake board back in the nineties. Anyone else remember that? There's a few of us kicking around that have been online that long.

    Too many people today don't bother to search for stuff, or check out who's who. I see the same questions over and over and over, when a simple search would show them how many times it's been asked.

    Bah. Now I'm sounding like an old fogey. LOL. Who am I kidding? We had people doing that same thing back then, too.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3635694].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Zanti
      Thanks Linda, yep, you're an old fogey, lol. I don't go back that far. Although I did buy Ted Nichols course way back when, but didn't do anything with it.

      There's always going to be many of the same questions over and over here. One of the things that I have found is that there are times when I try and do a search on the forum and I just don't get anywhere. Even when I know that a topic has been discussed. Often if one doesn't put the exact right words in for a search you won't get anything back or you get two hours worth of results to go through.

      I'm sure or at least I assume, that this has happened to others. So the next best thing is to try and creatively ask the question again on the forum, (at least that is what I try and do).

      One of the things that does happen when the same question is ask, again, is that sometimes new information comes out, or it lets someone new to the forum contribute their thoughts and feel a part of the community here by helping someone else. That's what I think we're all here for anyway, to help each other out, share and engage in discussions about internet marketing and progress towards our individual dreams.

      Oh, by the way Linda, you should share some of your Tony Blake knowledge, what's old is new again.

      Brian (Z)

      Originally Posted by Linda_C View Post

      Some of the "big names" are awful... BUT... some of the new ones are pretty awful, too. Being good or awful doesn't have much to do with how long anyone's been around, that's for sure.

      Willie is cool. Agreed. I've been kicking around this old Interweb almost as long as he has (since '95 for me) - I stop to read and appreciate when he posts, because he posts with thoughtfulness.

      I can think back to a handful of people that used to hang out on the old Tony Blake board back in the nineties. Anyone else remember that? There's a few of us kicking around that have been online that long.

      Too many people today don't bother to search for stuff, or check out who's who. I see the same questions over and over and over, when a simple search would show them how many times it's been asked.

      Bah. Now I'm sounding like an old fogey. LOL. Who am I kidding? We had people doing that same thing back then, too.

      Brian Alexzander ~ Irie To The Highest - Respect
      "Irie"...the ultimate positive, powerful, pleasing, all encompassing quality/vibration

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3635828].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
      Originally Posted by Linda_C View Post

      I can think back to a handful of people that used to hang out on the old Tony Blake board back in the nineties. Anyone else remember that? There's a few of us kicking around that have been online that long.
      I don't know when I first discovered Tony's forum, or this one.
      I do know that I learned a lot from Tony... and that what he
      teaches works!

      I've also learned a lot from Allen, and even sold him one of my


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    • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
      Originally Posted by Linda_C View Post

      ...Now I'm sounding like an old fogey. LOL.
      Linda, you may be sounding like an old fogey, but I AM and old fogey.

      I don't know Willie personally, but I've read a lot of his stuff. I do know this: With a lot of big names one has to always be asking, Is what they are telling me true, or is there some ulterior motive behind their words?

      I have found that if Willie says it, you can count on it to be true. With a lot of the guru types, if you strip out the hype, hyperbole, and half-truths from their words you end up with close to nothing.

      If you strip those same things from Willie's words, you end up with exactly what you started with--nothing but the honest truth. It's refreshing!

      Ah, I've got an "old fogey" event to attend. Gotta go. --Mike

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3635941].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Zanti
        Oh no, this is turning into an old fogey thread. Mike are you saying that Willie is one of those guru types, why that can't be.

        Oh, and Mike, let me know how the AARP event when tonight, I'm not able to make it.

        Brian (Z)
        Brian Alexzander ~ Irie To The Highest - Respect
        "Irie"...the ultimate positive, powerful, pleasing, all encompassing quality/vibration

        A Candle Never Loses Any Of Its Own Light... By Lighting Another Candle

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  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    Went great, Brian. I fell asleep half way through my presentation. I managed to stay awake about 20 minutes longer than most of the audience though . Ha!

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    I don't know Mr Crawford but when he posts something and I catch it, it's good stuff. It's also gone in the blink of an eye, replaced by 20 how do I... posts and other nonsense.

    Threads come and go fast. The best threads are often ignored.

    When somebody posts solid business advice, like Mr Crawford does, and not an easy button solution, I get the impression that those who need solid business advice the most are too busy reading and replying to the easy button threads.

    Hmm... that was a run-on sentence.

    From what I've read of his stuff, he doesn't pander to the get rich quick crowd. Unfortunately, I think they are the most active group on this forum. Too much now and not enough build.

    It's like playing Bach at a Lady GaGa concert, the crowd doesn't want to hear it and they don't care, no matter how great it is.

    Here's a bump to the top before this thread drops off the first page.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3636679].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Zanti
      Well I'm a little bias, but what you're saying is, I think, very sound thinking.

      It's one of the reasons I started this thread, for new warriors to really understand the resources here.

      You're so right, it not the get rich quick meme that most may be looking for but if you want a solid foundation on which to build your business, well it right here waiting for you.

      But, as the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

      I too hope this doesn't drop off the first page, but if it does at least some of us won't be thirsty.

      Brian (Z)

      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post

      When somebody posts solid business advice, like Mr Crawford does, and not an easy button solution, I get the impression that those who need solid business advice the most are too busy reading and replying to the easy button threads.
      Brian Alexzander ~ Irie To The Highest - Respect
      "Irie"...the ultimate positive, powerful, pleasing, all encompassing quality/vibration

      A Candle Never Loses Any Of Its Own Light... By Lighting Another Candle

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