Understanding Facebok and Linkedin marketing system

by flippianstar11 Banned
3 replies
Q:Linkedin ask to give them a bid price for impressions.What happen if our bid price is lower than other people bidding o display advertisement to same customer?
Did we loose that impression?Is 1000impressions promised for X amount of money are realy served or its maximum possible number of impressions in case you are highest bidder?
#facebok #linkedin #marketing #system #understanding
  • Profile picture of the author Mark A Stafford
    You might still get impressions if you bid lower than they suggest.

    When you are buying traffic, typically there are two ways to buy:

    • CPC - Cost Per Click &
    • CPM - Cost Per Thousand Impressions.

    With FaceBook you should start with CPC to control costs and make sure your offer converts, then move it to CPM which might save you some money.

    With Linked-In I was going to test some paid advertising but the minimum CPC was $2 which I though was kind of high to test. They might have lowered the price and I am not sure if they offer CPM ads.

    Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author flippianstar11
    Lets suppose I put lowest bid.Lowest bid.Will i get 1000 impressions for 2$ as they promise?
    I guess we miss many impressions from high bidders when we bid low.We lost them.I guess.Let me know if I am wrong
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark A Stafford
    You could start with $2 and see if you receive any impressions. If not, then you would have to increase your bid.

    Trick to doing paid advertising is to test and see what works. Many warriors comment that they will start a little high on FaceBook, then lower their bid down when they start getting traffic.

    Remember with FaceBook the more likes and traffic your ad gets, the cheaper your clicks.

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