How to Increase my Conversions/Subscribers on WP Blog

3 replies
Chess Training School
#blog #increase
  • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
    Here's my observations...

    Your current sidebar opt-in doesn't stand out and looks
    bland. Consider using a background color or image so
    that the opt-in box leaps off the page.

    The current opt-in box 'headline' sucks:

    "Every Chess Master was Once a Beginner"

    Make them an enticing bloody offer, e.g. a report that
    teaches them something useful to improve their chess
    game. Include a graphic of the report to draw the
    visitor's eye to the opt-in box.

    You've got 3 fields for your opt-in form: e-mail address,
    name and rating.

    For starters, people are used to filling-in the name first
    and then the e-mail. Besides, if you want to increase
    opt-in rates, then consider just asking for the e-mail.

    And what the bloody hell does the field 'rating' mean?
    Is this something chess players know how to complete?
    The rating field may be causing confusion and making
    people hesitant to fill in the form in case the get it

    And your button has the word 'subscribe' on it. Not
    exactly motivational is it? Use action words that tell
    people what to do and/or what they'll get instead of
    bland words like 'subscribe'.

    Dedicated to mutual success,



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  • Profile picture of the author Sire
    You might consider offering something that entices them to subscribe. Most people offer a freebie as a giveaway in order to build their lists.
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonGrimes
    Offer your visitors a freebie for subscribing, build trust and get established. This should help increase your conversion rate.
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