search results all over the place suddenly

4 replies
Been working on my site for about a year and a half now and had my search results for my 2 main keyword strings have been in the top 15 for over 6 months now. I have always been adding new pages and new content to existing pages and put them on the web without anything changing.

Recently I got the bright Idea to resubmit my site map to google in my webmaster tools thinking it would get the new pages indexed faster. However the 3 times I did this my site vanished from the top 100 pages altogether. It took about 3 weeks for the site to get almost back to where it was each time this happened except for now because the last time I did this was the beginning of this week.

I have asked around a little bit but the few people I asked said resubmitting my site map wouldn't make my site go from page 15 to page 100. The only problem is that nothing else is different I added new pages as I have in the past and my site has been very stable in its position for a very long time until I started resubmitting my sitemap. So if it isn't from resubmitting my site map what could be causing this to happen.
#place #results #search #suddenly
  • Profile picture of the author TheKing
    There is a term called GOOGLE DANCE according to me all this is happening because of it

    About Google Dance
    During the month, Google sends out robots (spiders) to crawl the web and archive every website it finds. These archived websites will be presented in the next update of the Google index (database). The update process is initiated every 30 days or so, although on some occasions there have been more than 30 days between updates. Now if you've been a keen Google fan you'll know that they have 3 main www servers online, which are as follows: - The main address, the true homepage of google. - Thought to be a test server. - Thought to be a test server.

    Whilst nobody outside of "Google" truly seems to know the purpose of the www2 & www3 servers, many people have come to the assumption that they are test servers. During the update, which takes several days, the 3 Google servers display different results. Whilst the results vary from server to server, they are said to be "dancing", hence the name "Google Dance".
    The www2 & www3 servers are the ones most closely observed during the dance, however I have recently found the addresses to all 10 of the Google Datacenters!! I believe that watching this will provide for a slight enhancement in the detection of the "Google Dance".. My tool is the only tool (that I know of) to provide the 10 datacenters option.
    ATTENTION: We are in no way affiliated with "Google", nor have I ever made any form of contact with them. The Google logo at the top of this page is only to have a bit of fun with "Google Dancing".
    This site is not affiliated with Google Inc. Trademarks remain trademarks of their respective companies.

    Google Dance Article Source
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  • Profile picture of the author Joel7223
    Last night, one of my websites made it onto the first page, second last at the bottom, but this morning it fell back 3 places to it's old position. It's very frustrating but I'm making progress.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobcath
    Aside from what punjabi said and your own observation you also need to remember that 100's if not thousands of other sites in similar niche are competing and jostling for position. I've experienced similar to you with some sites having absolute continuity of position with other sites jumping around in position. The only difference between these sites is the software platform I used to build them. Now I suspect that someone will say that makes no difference, but just reporting what I have observed!
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  • Profile picture of the author marks2424
    thanks guys I have heard of the google dance from many people but all of them said it mostly effects sites that are not very good. Same way with the google updates. When these happened nothing happened to my site at all and i had many people on other forums say there sites went back at least 30 pages. They also said after they re did many pages on there sites to make them better they went back where they were. If the google dance happens because of poor quality and my site has never danced before then why now. The site is very well put together with articles I wrote myself all on point to the subject and nothing copied in any way. Lots of SEO in the background stuff as well. Thanks Mark
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