How this little action generates extra sales my way...

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Hello. I just wanted to share something on here with you all, in hopes that this small, nearly effortless method, will help you generate even more sales. It may not work for all of you, as it is a method that works better when you sell more than two items. But here's something that has been effective for me a bit more often than not, and brings value to both the customer and myself. Ready for what it is? Here goes...

I physically send my customer who made a purchase a thank you, let them know that I'm here for them if they have any questions, and at the end of my email, I make a SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER. For my site, it goes something like this (the offer, not the entire email reply)

SPECIAL PROMO: From now until the end of Wednesday, February 29th, 2012, Buy 8 Single instrument sounds on your next purchase, and receive 4 additional single instrument sounds of your choice free! Please specify if you want those as Soundfont or WAV format. To take advantage of this promo, you MUST REPLY to this email with the subject line changed to "Buy8Get4" and list the names of the 4 instruments you want free with your order. Promo will not be honored if you do not reply to this email as stated.

I had a $4+ sale, and thanked my customer manually for his purchase, and at the end of my email before the signature, I plugged in the above offer at the end of it. A few days after his $4 purchase, he bought another package from me for $28.00 (he made sure to buy the required amount as indicated above and emailed me as I specified). I then sent made sure to send him the freebies that I offered as well and again, thanking him and plugging the offer at the end of the email.

This tends to work at least once, but it builds repeated buyers for me, and it gives them extra freebies, gives me another sale, and builds a relationship with the customer as I am manually thanking them even if the other aspects of the sale, download, etc. are automated.

I've actually also had a customer or two that bought two of the offers (i.e., first sale was $2.00, offered a promo with a buy and get free offer, next sale was $18 and again, plugged the thank you with another offer, and got another sale for about $25).

I'm not saying this will work in every single area, but, I think it's a nice way to generate extra sales especially for those compelled to buy and already enjoy what you offer, it builds relationships with that person, and it makes them happy that you bring them great customer service and that you're offering bonuses to them.

You could work this out for affiliate sales for yourself as well. You can offer them a small rebate for example, when they buy from your affiliate link and send you the confirmation of their purchase. You can then refund their Paypal for the offered percentage or dollars. This can be a bit tricky in that if the customer refunds the product, you may lose out if they're not honest in returning the rebate as well, but I've seen people do this and succeed well with it also.

Hope this helps anyone in some way. Just wanted to offer a technique that I use that has worked.
#action #extra #generates #sales

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