What does a marketers "Word" mean anymore?

6 replies
Sadly the meaning of anybodies "word" nowadays is deteriorating. And what is even more sad, is the number of honest marketers is growing smaller and smaller.

There have been a select few people that really started to downturn the internet marketing world. Then there were people that saw what they were doing and said "Hey it looks like they are making money, I'm going to do that too."

All of these people push the "nice guy" that really wants to help you make money online to the bottom of the list. Then people think that ALL marketers are just trying to make money off of you, because so many are.

It's a shame when I see more than one marketer that sends me at least 3 emails everyday. Each one of them is promoting a product in each of those emails! If I took their "Word" for it, I would be spending $100's every day and not getting anywhere.

Whatever happened to the good old days when you would provide valuable content to your list for a whole month, then promote a Good product once every 30 days? Not 3 every day.

I'll tell you what, I am going to keep trying to help people make money online and I am not going to turn to cheap marketing tactics. When I say that my product will help you, I want people to believe it.

Wealth is a side affect of helping people.

Does anyone else feel the same way that I do?
#anymore #marketers #word
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    I have a Word 2003 and it's really getting old and deteriorating. Need an update to some newer Word versions

    p.s. General statements like "the number of honest marketers is growing smaller and smaller" tend to attract a lot of equally generalizing replies - and the mods' attention. Which means sooner or later somebody will hit the Delete button...

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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
    Originally Posted by travisl View Post

    Sadly the meaning of andybodies "word" nowadays is deteriorating.
    I've never liked that Andy guy since the first time he showed up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Hoffman
    People are becoming more jaded the more people do this. There's nothing wrong with agressively marketing IF your focus is on the needs of your customers. The Internet has made it far to easy and cheap for marketers to blast out their message and bombard people. If they were paying to send direct mail it wouldn't be a problem. In short, they do it because they can. But I believe things are changing. More and more people can see through the BS fast. As far as getting bombarded with 3 emails a day and the cost of buying it all...well...it's the same thing going into the grocery store hungry...you want to buy all the junk food...but is that the fault of the grocery store?
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  • Profile picture of the author travisl
    @Istvan Really? my word 2003 is holding up fine . And I hear you, But I didn't think this would make the mods angry. If I did sorry!

    @Bill it took me a second but I got it. Haha

    @Ken very valid points, I never thought of it that way before, I think I'm going to use that one!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Originally Posted by travisl View Post

    Sadly the meaning of anybodies "word" nowadays is deteriorating. And what is even more sad, is the number of honest marketers is growing smaller and smaller.

    There have been a select few people that really started to downturn the internet marketing world. Then there were people that saw what they were doing and said "Hey it looks like they are making money, I'm going to do that too."

    All of these people push the "nice guy" that really wants to help you make money online to the bottom of the list. Then people think that ALL marketers are just trying to make money off of you, because so many are.

    It's a shame when I see more than one marketer that sends me at least 3 emails everyday. Each one of them is promoting a product in each of those emails! If I took their "Word" for it, I would be spending $100's every day and not getting anywhere.

    Whatever happened to the good old days when you would provide valuable content to your list for a whole month, then promote a Good product once every 30 days? Not 3 every day.

    I'll tell you what, I am going to keep trying to help people make money online and I am not going to turn to cheap marketing tactics. When I say that my product will help you, I want people to believe it.

    Wealth is a side affect of helping people.

    Does anyone else feel the same way that I do?
    I find it interesting that in a marketing forum you think it's a good idea for a good marketer to only promote a product once every 30 days.

    Clearly you don't do enough testing. If you did then you'd know that you would be leaving a ton of profits on the table. I'm not advocating bombarding your list, but in general, sending only one promotion a month is actually dumb marketing.

    In one particular market, I send out a broadcast to my list 2 to 3x a week and the vast majority of my readers love it. Granted, it's original, valuable content that they WANT to read (I survey my readership to find out what they want) and I send out about one offer a week. However, I always include links in my e-mails to my product catalogue.

    I also don't understand the logic of having to buy anything from anyone whether you take their word for it or not. Whatever happened to actually implementing something you just bought before buying something else so you can see if it actually works or not?

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see a connection here with any of your premises. Sure there are some bad marketers out there, and with more news coming out every single day, there's no real way to determine if there are less "honest marketers" out there. It probably just seems that way because there are 100x more them today then even just 5 years ago.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      Another bloody poison pen thread.

      The premises are flawed, the conclusions are generalized from faulty assumptions, and the tone is based on personal frustration, rather than fact.


      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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