4 replies
Hi warriors,

What kind of software are YOU looking for to help with your IM efforts?

Is it help with SEO?
Is it help with Links?
Is it cool graphics?
Is it copywriting syuff?
Audio/visual software?
Is it website building?
Is it list building?
Is it step by step guides?

The list goes on and on, but you get the idea, let me have your ideas and comments.


  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    I take you mean newbies to get started?

    All of these are good areas however in my experience people that are newer to making money online want "CERTAINTY" that what they are doing is going to work.

    That is the hardest area I have found to try and give them as results will differ from person to person depending on how quickly they get to grips with the areas you have mentioned.

    When you are actually teaching I have always found my students/people like step by step guides.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I need some good video editing software and music production software.
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  • Profile picture of the author FreeMeal
    I would like a piece of software that sets up a few Web 2.0 props, and posts an article on them with a backlink for me. Basically set up a first tier. I hate doing this myself. I forget passwords, forget URL's, get mixed up.

    There may already be something like this, but I've never found it.
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  • Profile picture of the author 100k

    Rent this space.

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