Can my subscribers lose trust in me once I do this?

15 replies
I found a good product with a good sales page. (Someone examined it and told me that.) However, the product is available in PLR as well, so I bought it in the attempt to write its sales page myself.

It turns out I need a little of practice until I get it right, so in the meantime I want to promote the original offer.

I wonder if my subscribers will blow me off when I'll switch the products, considering the fact that I will raise the price with $2 (so it ends in 9, not 7), but I'll also add a relevant bonus.

I also plan to openly address this issue in the review of the subsequent product, saying something like "This is very much the same course as <original name>, but it has the additional bonus <bonus name>, which means you get additional help when dealing with <whatever the problem is>."

What are your thoughts on this?
#lose #subscribers #trust
  • Profile picture of the author Prateek Dwivedi
    I think you should be fine. Won't affect you a lot IMHO.
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  • Profile picture of the author fin
    I wouldn't risk it.

    Why is it available as PLR if it's a good product. I'm not questioning it, just curious.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
      Originally Posted by fin View Post

      Why is it available as PLR if it's a good product. I'm not questioning it, just curious.
      I have no idea. I've looked through the author's history, and it seems to be doing it with every product he creates. He has all kind of weird stuff going on, such as giving the product away for free randomly to some subscribers...

      And the price is incredibly low. He actually sells the rights of two of his products as a pack, but if I were to buy them separately without the PL rights, it would be a little more expensive.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Davis
    At least tweak the Headlines and Sub-headings.

    Also, have you thought about split-testing a couple different variations as well -- compare your modified headings version to your own sales letter?
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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    Are you planning on selling the same product to the same people after you have made slight alterations? If so, why? I would be very happy to unsubscribe from your list if that was the case. If you are not selling to the same people... what's the problem?
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
      Originally Posted by retsced View Post

      Are you planning on selling the same product to the same people after you have made slight alterations? If so, why? I would be very happy to unsubscribe from your list if that was the case. If you are not selling to the same people... what's the problem?
      Probably the course of action I would take, personally. I'm going to pay $7 for the product, then $9 more to get the bonus? Doesn't really make sense, does it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
        Originally Posted by Joe Robinson View Post

        Probably the course of action I would take, personally. I'm going to pay $7 for the product, then $9 more to get the bonus? Doesn't really make sense, does it.
        Change of plans: I'm making the copy myself and sell the rebranded version. But the price will be 49 instead of 47, not 9 instead of 7, sorry for not being clearer on that.
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        • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
          Originally Posted by canyon View Post

          Change of plans: I'm making the copy myself and sell the rebranded version. But the price will be 49 instead of 47, not 9 instead of 7, sorry for not being clearer on that.
          Still doesn't make sense unless you intend to do both offers at the same time. As separate promotions it just doesn't make sense to me.
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          • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
            Originally Posted by Joe Robinson View Post

            Still doesn't make sense unless you intend to do both offers at the same time. As separate promotions it just doesn't make sense to me.
            Well, it makes because I get 100% of the money in the case I promote the Plr version, whereas before I would only get a little over half.
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          • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
            I have to agree with those that advise against it.

            I'm not quite sure why you would offer the same thing twice, one as is and one fixed up and with a bonus. If I were on your list, that would make me roll my eyes and consider you as one of those who puts making money of more importance than offering value.

            I personally would just wait until you had the fixed up one and offer it the with bonus all at the same time as Joe has recommended.

            If you were absolutely intent on making the first available immediately and doing two offers, then just offer the bonus alone as complementary to the first.

            But I still don't understand why you would even want to offer something that was under par in your own opinion, to your list anyway. :confused:

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            • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
              There is a way to have your cake and eat it, too.

              > You promote the original for commissions.

              > You announce that you bought the rights to the product (don't have to mention 'PLR'), and that you've expanded it and added extra bonus material.

              > You either offer the bonus to previous buyers of the original for free, or offer the new package to previous buyers for the difference in price ($2).

              This way, you keep things transparent, you go out of your way to be fair, and you should keep the trust of the majority of your subscribers. You'll have some that are looking for signs that you are "one of them", but they'd have found something to be unhappy about eventually. It's what they do.
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  • Profile picture of the author louie6925
    I'd have to agree with Fin, the fact its being sold as PLR would get the alarm bells ringing! personally if I buy a PLR product and its actually quite good, then I offer it my subscribers as a freebie, I probably haven't looked in the right places, but yet to find a PLR product thats something special!
    Feel free to chat if you live in the UK I may have something for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author answerbrain
    I don't think its a good idea. If I was on your list I would be the first to unsubscribe if you did that.
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  • Quite frankly I don't think it's such a big deal. Most people won't even notice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
    Thanks everyone, especially John - that is a great recommendation.

    But I feel that I didn't make myself clear, and I want to do it now:

    I've found a good product (with a good sales page) to promote as an affiliate. As I was doing my research, including finding reviews about the product, I found out that the product is available as a PLR, meaning that I can buy it, rebrand it and sell it as my own, keeping this way all the money.

    The only problem with this was the sales page, which I had to make myself.
    After seeing that making a sales page (a good one, not just a bunch of words full of hype), I started thinking how could I promote the original product until I sort out how to make a decent copy, and eventually switch from the original product to my own rebranded one.

    The thing with the price is that the original product is priced at $47, and because I don't like prices ending in 7, I want to make it $49, but not to earn 2 extra bucks, just to make it look less like an IM product.
    Of course, I will test different price points, and the next price will be $47.

    So I will not promote both the offers at the same time.

    @MissTerraK: Rest assured, it is not my intention to put money ahead of my subscribers' needs, and the bonus offered is not because the product is faulty or something, it's just to offer them an incentive not to get upset because I switched offers.

    Perhaps I should have formulated my ideas better, sorry.

    Anyway, just to avoid all the headaches, I will write my own copy and tweak it until I am satisfied with the results, skipping this way the unnecessary explanations which I would have to provide.

    I took this decision based on the feedback from a few respected Warriors, so thanks for your input.
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