7 replies
Hello everybody!

Newbie question

I have a question again and hope for a small answer, any, please : ) . I put a Wordpress blog on my site and few articles in it. That was 2-3 days ago and still Google doesn't index me. I don't have any backlinks etc., so as far as i read this might be the reason for a slow indexing.

I just found on the net Ping service - please tell me this pinging is it about affiliate programs only or i may use it for any website/shop? How to make the content get indexed faster? Thank you!
#pinging #site
  • Profile picture of the author Edward Floyd
    Pinging allows your website to be indexed really fast. Sometimes within minutes! It simply lets search engines know that your website exists so that their webcrawlers can look for new content. Submit your site to Ping-o-Matic! for quick indexing and you shouldn't have to wait long.
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  • Profile picture of the author Xifos
    can pinging be damaging to listings? I've come across a lot of services that will ping a url to a large number of locations within minutes, but I've read that a sudden increase in link velocity can actually lead to being penalised?

    EFM UK
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  • Profile picture of the author dadamson
    Pinging can be dangerous in some aspects but usually the worst that can happen is NOTHING AT ALL.

    You need to start building backlinks.

    That will create funnels where the traffic and search engines can crawl to find you.

    Pinging works better when you actually ping the backlinks to your website not your actual website.

    The safest service I have used (after using services such as Ping-O-Matic and the like) is LinkLicious.me

    This service converts all the pages to rss feeds before pinging giving a slightly more natural and effect approach to pinging and getting your backlinks and webpages indexed.
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  • Profile picture of the author letstalkaboutlove
    Thank you everybody for the fast reply!

    I ordered a gig which says: "Besides, your website/blog will be pinged to 150 ACTIVE RSS Sites to get indexed INSTANTLY."

    When i checked on the web about pinging there are articles saying that it may be a problem and get my IP blocked if i use different ping services at a time or ping too much? After i receive this gig completed, can i sign up for some ping service website and do it again or it is better to wait and ping next week or so? How often can i ping the site?
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  • Profile picture of the author dadamson
    Don't worry about pinging every week man. Get your site indexed and get out of there.

    Build links and attract traffic through networking on similar websites.

    If you need to ping, ping the backlinks that you have developed, I do this once per month for all backlinks and this seems to be the optimum timeframe for my processes.
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  • Profile picture of the author letstalkaboutlove
    Thank you very much for your help : )!
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  • Profile picture of the author RexMapes
    I definitely would ping a new site. Sometimes you get a quick response...sometimes not. Pinging is a tool, not a magic button. It usually does speed the process up.

    Pinging a couple of times is ok, but I wouldn't do any more than that unless something on your site changes.

    Anytime you change something significant a ping is called for. Constant pinging with no changes and you run the risk of being ignored even if something does change.
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