Marketing vs. Advertising: Which Best Describes YOUR Occupation?

4 replies
In response to a recent thread started to determine the secret to Frank Kern's success, I decided it's about time to start a thread to teach you guys the difference between marketing and advertising. Many people get these two words confused very often. And that's okay... for THEM! But when you're a member the marketing community and claim you are an "Internet marketer," you should be a cut above the people who can passively confuse the two words.

Long story short: a long, arduous, expensive process. Marketing is the coordinated effort put forth by an individual (usually many individuals actually) to plan, implement, and manage the systematic acquisition of consumers.

One step within the entire marketing process. Advertising is the action taken as a result of market research and planning. When you have finally found the right market to distribute to, and the perfect price at which you will offer your product to consumers, you must place your product in front of their eyes in a compelling way. Now you are advertising.

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The best way to distinguish between advertising and marketing is to think of marketing as a pie, inside that pie you have slices of advertising, market research, media planning, public relations, product pricing, distribution, customer support, sales strategy, and community involvement.
It's true, most of the people in this forum are advertisers. Many people in this forum are only doing the advertising aspect of their claimed "Internet marketer" title. Be sure to use resources to find out whether or not you're missing your target market. Find out if there are others you could be selling to. Use resources such as Quantcast - Home, - A Keyword Map For the Whole Internet, - A Keyword Map For the Whole Internet, Google Insights for Search, and the literally countless others (okay maybe I could count 'em, but it would take a long time).

No, I'm not going to show you how to use them. They ALL have help sections. That's how I learned and and so you too must break a sweat before you win the race .

I hope this helps a lot of people, though! Best of luck to you all!

Works cited: Marketing vs. Advertising: What's the Difference?
#advertising #describes #differences #marketing #occupation
  • Profile picture of the author 1mikeelliott
    Some sweet points for all to consider, everyone claims to be the next greatest internet marketing coach, but how many are only handing out a piece of the pie.

    People need to understand what you are saying, it is not magic but a detailed investigation and education into the process. Everyone should thank you for the nudge! Thanks

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  • Profile picture of the author Lokesh Sharma
    I mostly go for marketing over advertising. Infact, I don't even have an adwords account

    Bum marketing and article submissions help me a lot besides affiliates...

    - Lokesh Sharma
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    • Profile picture of the author TheCren
      Originally Posted by 1mikeelliott View Post

      Some sweet points for all to consider, everyone claims to be the next greatest internet marketing coach, but how many are only handing out a piece of the pie.

      People need to understand what you are saying, it is not magic but a detailed investigation and education into the process. Everyone should thank you for the nudge! Thanks
      Thanks, 1mikeelliot! You hit the nail on the head, IMHO.

      Originally Posted by Lokesh Sharma View Post

      I mostly go for marketing over advertising. Infact, I don't even have an adwords account

      Bum marketing and article submissions help me a lot besides affiliates...

      - Lokesh Sharma
      I don't have an AdWords account either but I'm thinking about getting one soon. The only reason I don't is because... well, long story lol. Keep in mind article submissions are a form of the advertising slice of marketing.
      Most of what I do is bum marketing as well, Lokesh. I had to when I started out because I had no money. Not to mention I know how to program (my major in college was computer science) so no real need to ever buy anything when I could just create it. Although, I have yet to create anything either lol. The free tools are enough... for now.

      Edit: Let me also add that there is no "marketing over advertising." Advertising is a part of marketing. To call yourself a marketer, therefore, means at some point you will advertise. In contrast, if all you do is advertising, then it is inaccurate to call yourself a marketer. Many "IMers" are actually "IAers" (i.e. Internet advertisers) when you get down to the nitty gritty and ask them what they do exactly.
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  • Profile picture of the author artwebster
    YIPPEE!! Someone else who appreciates the basics. These are the bits that many gurus don't understand which is why so many marketing courses are hopelessly incomplete.

    You might not like what I say - but I believe it.
    Build it, make money, then build some more
    Some old school smarts would help - and here's to Rob Toth for his help. Bloody good stuff, even the freebies!

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