Tips to maximizing efficiency with your workstation setup

by pvijeh
4 replies
I have found that fine tuning your workstation setup can really help in terms of making you more efficient.

I thought it would be a good idea to create a thread where people can share tips that they have used to create a more productive work station.

I will start first -

This may be a pretty obvious one for anyone that has already tried it - but you should be using at least two monitors.

Using multiple monitors gives you a lot more screen realestate, so you don't have to waste time and brain power searching for different windows that you have open.

Some studies have shown that using a second monitor can increase productivity by up to 50% (imagine getting 50% more done every day, or working half the amount to accomplish what you need to each day)

Obviously multiple monitors is a huge one -

Does anyone else have any productivity tips?
#efficiency #maximizing #setup #tips #workstation
  • Profile picture of the author NoobSensei
    1. In my experience, L-shaped corner desks are better for productivity than rectangular desks. But maybe that's just me.

    2. Make sure you have a chair that is actually comfortable and isn't destroying your back. It's worth spending a bit more money on a good chair, considering how much time you'll spend sitting in it.

    3. Clean up the clutter around your desk, and don't let it build up again.

    4. Don't sit at your work desk when you aren't actually working. This will help to ingrain the habit that sitting at that desk means you're in "work mode" rather than "websurfing mode."
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Hooper-Kelly
      Yep, I agree about the 'L' shaped desk.

      I place a board across the corner, which allows me to straddle the 'L' with my keyboard and mouse.

      That ensures I sit back properly in my chair, rather than slumping forward, which gives you 'writer's cramp' in the upper back.

      Warmest regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author GailTrahd
    If you do a lot of writing then an ergonomic keyboard and/or voice recognition program like Dragon will sure save the hands. And, if you can do the dictating part well, Dragon will type out what you say faster than you can type it!

    I like the multiple monitors idea - but I'm using 2 computers now instead. Neither is big enough to run both monitors quickly - so I run programs on one and write on the other - back and forth!

    Foot stool under the feet to keep my back straight and knees and hips at 90 degrees.

    I get up every 20 - 30 minutes to stretch, get the blood moving and drink some water. Stay hydrated and blood moving keeps me productive.
    Content, Video, Infographics in the lucrative relationship market

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      You can help avoid eyestrain, which does a number of focus and concentration, by looking at something at least twenty feet away for several seconds, several time per hour.

      In addition, remembering to blink will help with dry, itchy computer eyes. The refresh rate on many monitors is close to the rate one wuld blink, so the flashing monitor send the brain a signal that a blink has taken place.
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