[Q] How much to sell this domain for?

4 replies
I am not very experienced with domain flipping but I have a domain called bbmpinexchange.com and I wanted to know how much can I ask for it?

Anyone can help me out here
#domain #sell
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Smale
    Undeveloped, it's more or less worthless. I would be surprised if you could get more than $50 for it.

    As someone who made "$97,243" this month - the domain would definitely not be worth your time trying to sell.
    I specialize in selling websites over $10,000 in value. No obligation, confidential valuation here.
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by Thomas Smale View Post

      As someone who made "$97,243" this month - the domain would definitely not be worth your time trying to sell.
      Agreed why would a "millionaire" like yourself be wasting your time trying to sell a domain that's clearly not worth much more than the reg fee?
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author chintz24
    Its more about clearing stuff .. like cleaning your house . I thought this is a hot niche since bbm has launched on android and iOS.
    Anyway thanks for all the help. Makes sense what you'll said

    12 premium domains for sale.
    Email connect@chintanshah.xyz

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Luck
    It's not worth very much at all.

    What I recommend is to put it up on a domain auction with the starting bid being what you paid for it... and do (not) set a reserve or a (buy it now) option.

    This way, domain flippers will see it on the auction block when they're sorting domain auctions without reserves and a low starting bid...

    And if you're lucky, they will get into a bidding war and you'll get as much as you can for it.

    Since you registered it on 10-28 with GoDaddy, I would recommend using GoDaddy Auctions to make a quick flip with it, and an easy domain transfer to the highest bidder.


    Good Luck!
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