Safelist solos (10dollar solos & USlargestsafelist)

8 replies
Has anybody had good results with solo ads from safelists? Especially 10dollarsolos and USlargestsafelist? Thanks
#10dollar #safelist #solos #uslargestsafelist
  • Profile picture of the author gwpmike
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  • Profile picture of the author alfred1982
    I have not tried them before. Based on my experience, it is best to use reputable solo ad sellers or safe-swap. You would want buyers to be on your list, rather than freebie-seekers.

    For your solo advertising needs, click here.

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  • Profile picture of the author alanborcic
    I haven't tried those but keep in mind that multiple reasons are contributing to solo ads success (your headline, your ad, your landing page) beside quality of the list you are renting.
    I would test small and then make conclusion

    Get Life You Deserve
    Alan Borcic

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  • Profile picture of the author drlelong
    You can find other people to swap with on Skype and Facebook.

    Look for swap groups on FB.
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  • Profile picture of the author coffeediva
    I have used these before and while they will add subscibers to your list tge quality of subscribers are not fantastic. Most of the people who receive these emails get credits for viewing the emails and unless you have a squeeze page that is going to grab their attention and an irresistable offer you ma not get anyone optin to your list. I have tracked quite a few of the emails i sent out and there is almost always clicks but very few actions.
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  • Profile picture of the author coffeediva
    I have used these before and while they will add subscibers to your list tge quality of subscribers are not fantastic. Most of the people who receive these emails get credits for viewing the emails and unless you have a squeeze page that is going to grab their attention and an irresistable offer you ma not get anyone optin to your list. I have tracked quite a few of the emails i sent out and there is almost always clicks but very few actions.
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