The future of "blogging" niche

14 replies
Hi folks,

I just wanted to know your opinion about the blogging niche. What do you think, is it evergreen? Is it going to grow or slowly fade away?

The reason why I'm asking this is because I'm planning to sell an authority site that is strongly tied with the blogging niche. However, I'm unsure if that's the right choice.

#blogging #future #niche
  • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
    Why would you sell it?

    I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe can check out what I've done so far.

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    • Profile picture of the author online only
      Originally Posted by koreancowboy View Post

      Why would you sell it?
      I've been flipping sites since 2009, IMHO it's very lucrative business model. Furthermore, I'm aiming 7 figures which is pretty hard to refuse.

      However, the broker wants to have it for just a little less than 7 figures and his main argument is that blogging "hype" will fade away in the next few years. Obviously I'm not agreeing with him, but would love to hear other opinions about it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        As long as there is such a thing as "blogging" there will always be a niche made up of those who want to learn how to blog, how to profit from a blog, how to set up a blog, etc.

        I expect that this niche will be around for awhile although you would do well to stay on the cutting edge of blogging technology as that is what will change the fastest and soonest. The idea of blogging in some form will be around for a long time. In a sense, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and many other popular sites are a form of "blogging" - i.e., sharing your thoughts, images, etc online with your subscribers. I don't think the idea is going away any time soon but the platforms for self expression will change and vary over time.

        To sell or not to sell is totally your decision. Who better to make that choice than the owner of the business? Forum members don't know your site, your subscribers, etc like you do. How are they going to give you the correct answer?

        The only advice I would give is this . . . if you can get 7 figures for your site and you are worried about it losing it's authority/popularity/relevance, etc, get your 7 figures and re-invest it in a new cutting edge niche.

        Good luck to you,


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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        • Profile picture of the author taffie
          This is a question I ask myself too? I feel like it will eventually fade because of microblogs like the Facebook and Twitter platforms, the reasoning is such that if people could do all they ever need to do on social networks, why would they need an Wordpress or Blogger blog when it's time consuming to be posting on both?

          But then when you come to think of having more control of your site, then you find a personal blog maybe the best way forward/ It is a bit ivy though.
          Coach | Mentor | Consultant | I work with business owners, marketers, experts, or coaches/ and mentors who want to understand new media or digital marketing better
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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Flipping has nothing to do with what will happen tomorrow. A sites value is determined based on current and recent past performance.

            Look at the housing market... there was a time when everyone knew the bubble was going to pop, but houses still sold at stupid ridiculous rates.

            Selling is a about supply and demand. How many site names in blogging can you buy that is an "Authority site"?

            Tell the broker to do his job and list it where you think it should be, if it doesn't go, then meet in the middle of you are and they are. if it still doesn't go, try his number!
            Success is an ACT not an idea
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            • Profile picture of the author figuringmoneyout
              Personally I think it's evergreen. It will grow and change as blogging itself changes, but it's something many people are interested in. I get requests every day about people who want to know more about blogging and I don't even really blog about blogging (though I might start)! Even people in my real life who don't use the internet much but love to write occasionally ask to learn how to blog so I think there will always be new people that are interested in the idea.
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      • Profile picture of the author DTGeorge
        Originally Posted by online only View Post

        I've been flipping sites since 2009, IMHO it's very lucrative business model. Furthermore, I'm aiming 7 figures which is pretty hard to refuse.

        However, the broker wants to have it for just a little less than 7 figures and his main argument is that blogging "hype" will fade away in the next few years. Obviously I'm not agreeing with him, but would love to hear other opinions about it.
        Let me just get this straight here. 7 figures? As in over a million dollars?
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      • Profile picture of the author mpollak450
        Originally Posted by online only View Post

        I've been flipping sites since 2009, IMHO it's very lucrative business model. Furthermore, I'm aiming 7 figures which is pretty hard to refuse.

        However, the broker wants to have it for just a little less than 7 figures and his main argument is that blogging "hype" will fade away in the next few years. Obviously I'm not agreeing with him, but would love to hear other opinions about it.
        Actually, blogging has been continuing to increase since it began. I believe that a cost effective platform to express yourself is definitely something that will not go away. Sure there are other ways to do it but the blog is just yours and not a video site or social media or other stuff. I think the broker is just trying to weasel you down.

        No EN links, please

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  • Profile picture of the author schttrj
    Well, let's sort out a few things first.

    It's an authority website. Why would you want to sell an authority website? An authority website means you have lots of followers and readers, who are interested in the blogging niche. So as long as blogging is around, you will always have readers and thus, money. (Can you show us the website?)

    The sale price is in 7-figures. Well, that's a huge sum, after all! Do a discount cash flow method and see if the current cash flow, the sale price and the time to build up another website all match up to one another. In short, are you making profit in the process or not? It's not that you are going to sit idle with that money. You are going to invest in another business, right? So, deciding on your next business idea is most important here.

    It's in blogging niche. Personally, I think blogging is here to stay. Why? Facebook and other content sharing platforms do not provide as flexibility and stability as you get from blogging on your own. Moreover, if you are writing a 1000-word article, where better to post it than in your blog? In other platforms, the type of audience differ. But blog readers want to find solutions to their problems. The more detailed, the better.

    So what do you say?
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Well, let's sort out a few things first.

    It's an authority website. Why would you want to sell an authority website? An authority website means you have lots of followers and readers, who are interested in the blogging niche. So as long as blogging is around, you will always have readers and thus, money. (Can you show us the website?)

    The sale price is in 7-figures. Well, that's a huge sum, after all! Do a discount cash flow method and see if the current cash flow, the sale price and the time to build up another website all match up to one another. In short, are you making profit in the process or not? It's not that you are going to sit idle with that money. You are going to invest in another business, right? So, deciding on your next business idea is most important here.

    It's in blogging niche. Personally, I think blogging is here to stay. Why? Facebook and other content sharing platforms do not provide as flexibility and stability as you get from blogging on your own. Moreover, if you are writing a 1000-word article, where better to post it than in your blog? In other platforms, the type of audience differ. But blog readers want to find solutions to their problems. The more detailed, the better.

    So what do you say?
    WOW Amazing!I must say you are genius you share the very informative thoughts with us thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author i58biz
    Blogging is a way for someone to express their ideas to the world.

    As long as people exist, this desire will continue.

    Blogging is a form of story telling whereas other mediums are more impersonal, if that is the right expression.

    Blogging will there for continue for a long time.

    Besides did the critic suggest what be the new trend replacing blogging?

    Does it sound credible?
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  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    As long as there is Internet, there will be blogging.

    As long as there is blogging, there will be people trying to learn how to blog.

    And as long as websites are flipped, there will be tirekickers trying to get 'em for a price lower than what they're really worth.

    If he's not happy with 7 figures, fine. Keep blogging on that blog, keep making money with it, and keep looking around for a REAL buyer who knows what a site is worth.

    CONGRATS on getting your blog up to that point, btw. Awesome stuff.

    JR John
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  • Profile picture of the author FunMakingMoney
    Blogging is here to stay unless people don't go to websites for information anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author digitalsapien
    Blogging is powerful. Blogs are powerful. It's one of the best sources of information today.

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