Any Wordpress Video Gallery Theme or Video Gallery Plugin Available ?

1 replies
Hi ,

Is there any wordpress theme available which can showcase our videos ? My main requirements is that those videos should play on mouse over action without making the user to click and navigate to the new page.

Say, for example I wanted to sell video templates and wanted them to show as a list of available templates in the grid format.

Example : 19000+ After Effects Templates & Projects | AE Templates | VideoHive
Just mouse over on any template it will start to play on its own in a small window.

If theme isn't available, let me know in case if there are any wordpress plugins or any external way to get this functionality.

#gallery #plugin #theme #video #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author rayray13
    Im pretty sure they are have tried going to they have a wide range of plugins and WordPress developers that could easily build it or by chance already have that up for sale or you could always checkout Mojo themes their pretty good. but your best bet is theme forest if you ask me.
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