What can I do better?

1 replies

I have been writing for the web (and I'm a published author), who also designs websites in my spare time.

I decided to get on the internet business bandwagon a while ago, and started building my site - Beachalog.com

It's a travel site that's only about beaches.

The thing is, I was wondering what I can do better? I know it takes time for sites to make money, but since this is my first monetized site, I was wondering how I can speed things up?

Any advice is most welcome!
  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    To speed up your website monetization you need to use paid ads from adword, facebook and the likes.

    Methods like SEO take a lot of time based on the term.

    Have you considered offering your writing services on Fiverr and bigger freelance sites like Elance? They could offer you a great starting point..
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