Wondering about the Google Dance?

6 replies
hi everyone,

i'm pretty new at this. i did try searching the forum for my answer but i wasn't able to quite find it.

this is my question. i've had my site up for 6weeks now. and i've been backlinking like crazy, using paul's and angela's awesome backlinks. i've also had several articles published at eza and put up a few squidoo lenses etc.

i've been on yahoo answers almost daily and bookmarked most of my pages.

a week ago, i had 7 of my pages on the 1st page of google for their keywords.

the last 4 or 5 days the best page i have is on the 4th page of google for its keyword.

is this something to be worried about? should i be doing something i haven't thought of or is this just a periodic google hiccup because my site's new.

anyone have experience with this?


#dance #google #wondering
  • Profile picture of the author NMP
    Hmm.. I think everyone has been through that. If it was
    that easy to keep solid #1 positions I would not site here

    Anyway, what I see quite often is that the videosites causes
    this drops. It does not have to be direct links but they who take
    over the top pos do have videos on their sites.

    However this normally is a 2-3 days dance. As if you do
    quality SE work. You will get a better score and should
    see your pages back up soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joe118
    Hi Jason

    Everyone seems to experience this -- it *is* scary and enough to drive you nuts, but the good news is that it eventually settles down and you'll be at where google thinks your site deserves to be, in the ranking. What happens is:

    * Google sees a new site, places it on page 1
    * Newness wears off (like the smell in a new car )
    * Your site sinks as deep as it'll go or even totally disappears, but if you do site:yoursite.com you're still in the index
    * Your pages reappear on e.g. page 7 or 5 or wherever
    * Over the next few weeks they bounce around but generally move up in the ranking
    * After 3-6 weeks this "dancing" stops and you end up where google thinks you belong

    The trick is to keep google thinking you deserve to be higher up in the ranking. Keep doing what you're doing, adding backlinks, and also keep updating the sites or squidoos or whatever. Once you're on page 1, if you can stay there w/o constantly updating and adding links, you're done. Otherwise keep doing that till you have enough "juice" to be exempt from the dance.

    What is happening in the background -- inside google's computers -- is that your page's STRENGTH is being evaluated against other pages competing for position. Once you have more strength than your competition, for a specific search term, you'll rank higher than them. Strength is some complicated composition of the number of backlinks you have, what anchor text they have, how many different hosts on the web these links are coming from, etc etc, and also how relevant the content on your site is. Some people think that the pages from which the inbound links come also figure in the equation, but IMHO the jury is still out on that, and I personally think there's no strong evidence of that now. But of course google may change their algorithm in the future, at which time this factor might become (more?) important.

    Anyways, its complicated, noone *really* knows all the parameters, and its really more of a test-and-experiment kind of thing.

    Last thing: if anyone tells you they have the secret to ranking high, hold on to your wallet. Remember: noone besides a few people inside google knows, and they're not telling everything that goes into it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
      Yup, the Google Dance strikes again! Don't let it get to you - you put in your time, have done your work, and your site will regain it's position. It may take time, but it'll happen.

      Don't get discouraged!
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    • Profile picture of the author slvrsrfr
      thanks nmp and joe.

      you've relieved my fears. and you're right joe, it is helluva scary when you're new and don't know how all this stuff really works.

      but i've tried to reassure myself by realizing that i'm building a long term business.

      cheers guys,

      What would you do IF you could do it?
      After twelve years of therapy my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. He said, "No hablo ingles."
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      • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
        Jason, you're so right...it's not get-rich-quick, its get-comfortable-slowly-and-stay-there.
        Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
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        • Profile picture of the author Bondtana
          I'm in the same boat here... one of my keywords were in the top 8, now it's 43 and another was 21 and now its 108! My site is about 7 months old, but I have been backlinking...

          It's been a few days... Is this the dance?
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